Thursday, June 23, 2022

When men were men

role model?

Feminized Men Ruin Society Faster Than A 300 lb Drag Queen Ruins Stiletto Heels

Published by Ksenya on June 22, 2022
The world used to revere brave men who put themselves on the line for others. Songs were sung and legends were made from men who performed courageous acts. Women wanted to have their babies, men wanted to be their friends, children wanted to grow up and follow in their footsteps. Society named them their heroes and wanted them to be in charge.

Well, cut ahead a few decades and now these outrageously brave men are being told that they’re toxic. Aggression is bad. The act of protecting others is demonized. The person you saved is more likely to sue you for breaking her fingernail than to thank you. So some of our brave men are giving a hard pass to acts of bravery and are instead choosing self-preservation. Others lost their balls so long ago that courage is not even a consideration.

Testicles? No, it’s ma’am!

Remember the lady who got attacked on a commuter train in New York while everyone stood around pretending not to notice? There were absolutely no real men on that train. A year before that a woman was actually raped on a train in Philadelphia while passengers sat nearby. I mean, how many losers does it take to subdue one psycho? We’ll never know because losers are simply too afraid and self-centered for action.

And they are self-centered. When “men” virtue signal about women’s rights and start fights online but won’t protect someone right in front of them, they’re afraid, for themselves. They demand you be fired for having the wrong opinion, but it’s not their business when someone is being assaulted. Because, priorities. So many men in our society are more concerned with looking hip than being useful. They’re more concerned with fighting for abortions so they can have sex without consequences, and fighting to have their pronouns observed instead of dedicating themselves to protecting the innocent. Worse, some are completely indifferent. It just doesn’t concern them. All of these kinds of men are narcissists, and they’re products of a narcissistic society; somehow completely self-centered without an ounce of introspection.

Not all bravery is inspired by altruism. Some men have performed outrageous acts purely for the accolades they receive, be that money or notoriety. Extreme sports enthusiasts don’t ride bikes or cliff dive for the betterment of society. But they build resiliency and various personality traits that WILL better society. Then they use their fame to inspire others, they use their winnings to donate to charities, and boom, they are now bettering society. Sh/hims fighting to protect their fragile eyes from mean tweets aren’t exactly improving our country.

So how did we get here?

Real men were once normal boys who were a handful, a more than occasional pain in the butt, but who were developing character through every boundary they pushed and every mistake they made. Unfortunately our society isn’t churning out many normal boys these days, they’re being stifled and shamed instead. It’s abhorrent how boys and men are being treated, and anyone with a father, son, or brother should be enraged. Anyone who wants to find a quality husband better head to the nearest shooting range, the gym, or stumble into the woods and hope to come across one hunting. There won’t be many quality men left with the path we’re on. The feminization of society is absolutely destroying us.

Normal boys eat dirt and shove Legos up their noses. They’re messy, sorry! They also punch bullies in the face and think it’s their job to protect little girls. It’s the natural order of things, and you don’t get A without a little B. You don’t get boys who lead, provide, and protect without letting them wrestle in the dirt, jump out of trees, get into fights, and disturb the peace from time to time. Now go to your local school and see how many of these behaviors are encouraged, let alone allowed. Check with the “Moms for perfect kids club” and see what kind of docile, overly-scheduled zombies they’re raising. Boys with curious minds, sharp wits, and unbridled passion can turn into men who change the world. Feminized boys are hesitant, uncertain, and soft, and they turn into men who don’t know their arses from their elbows. Now which one of these types of men do you want sitting next to you on the train when someone goes nuts? Not the skinny-fat, tri-gendered twatwaffle holding a man purse, and the book White Fragility, who’s never encountered any form of violence in his life, except words.

I’m ranting because this topic makes me very upset. The point is, when we see situations like the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, we’re seeing the feminization of society staring us in the face. Real men confront their bullies. Real men seek help or acquire the skills to deal with problems they can’t handle. And I completely understand being scared, but real men run into elementary schools to protect children from a shooter, like many people tried to do. Real men don’t wait for more backup, or more equipment, or explicit direction when they hear kids dying.

This shooting will likely turn into a gun control/ police reform/ school safety issue, but we’re ignoring the underlying issue that leads to many of these situations. There is something seriously wrong with our society – It’s chocked full of cuntcakes masquerading as men.

There will always be evil in the world. There will also be crazy people and weak men. Perhaps we should stop criticizing and ostracizing the strong men that stand between us and that evil. Stop giving losers pity dates. Tell them to lay off the soy, grow some chest hair, spend a weekend in the woods, and start lifting some weights. No man who is triggered by pronoun usage is ever going to save the world. He can’t even save you. He may possibly save your latte from spilling, but only if he has time between drawing activist posters to develop some reflexes. Sorry d*ckweeds, it’s simply a fact.

Men can be irrational at times. Men can be angry or agitated in a way women don’t understand. When my husband and I are on a road trip and we get lost, I start staring out the window. My husband needs to curse at the windshield while slapping the steering wheel a few times and find his way on his own. I don’t question it because I couldn’t understand if I tried. I don’t need to understand, I just need to let him do his thing. Because when we get to where we’re supposed to be, I know he’s going to open my door for me, put himself between me and traffic, and keep an eye on any possible threats, ones that he’s more than prepared to handle with his concealed carry and his experience fighting and defending himself. Does he put his towels back on the rack? Almost never. He also doesn’t bring in the mail. He occasionally buys ridiculously priced items because they look interesting, and his shoes are all over the place. But you don’t get a little A without a little B. And I’m so very grateful that his parents and school teachers didn’t try to tame his “toxic masculinity”.

Don’t believe me? Twenty years ago there were concerns about the rapid decline of men’s testosterone levels, and things are only worse now. Think feminists aren’t outright ruining their kids? Read about this crackpot that refuses to let her son have preferences for “boy things”. Turn on any television show and see what a bumbling idiot the dad is, and then think about what kind of message that’s sending to boys who are trying to develop a sense of self.

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