Monday, May 2, 2022

Vote Democratic


DHS Is Preparing for 540K Illegal Immigrants a Month


On CNN’s “The State of Our Union”, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told Dana Bash that since Sept 2021, DHS has been preparing to start handling and processing 18,000 illegal aliens per day – 540,000 a month – as soon as CDC Title 42 is lifted.

We’re talking 3 million people by the November election. Roughly ten million anonymous people have poured into the country under Joe Biden. We could have 30 million by 2024. That’s the population of Texas. They are stealing our votes – diluting them with foreigners.

It won’t take long for Democrats to insist that they be given asylum. Actually, Mayorkas called for it today.

Anyone who has noticed how close the elections have become in red states knows that they probably have the numbers for a permanent electoral majority.

You’ve seen how they rule. They have no regard for Americans’ rights or freedom.

In this clip, Mayorkas claims they are prepared for the onslaught [but Border Patrol has said they won’t be able to handle it].


  1. Anonymous5/02/2022

    I havent heard shit from rtepubs with the exception of a few.

  2. To make these invaders lifetime tit sucking democrat voters is their ONLY goal.

  3. Anonymous5/02/2022

    Please explain to me why we have a communist from Cuba in charge of Homeland Security?

    1. Anonymous5/03/2022

      Democrat = Communist

    2. Anonymous5/03/2022

      Because the communist's (democrats) are currently at the helm..........

  4. Anonymous5/04/2022

    Fake news
