Monday, May 2, 2022

Truth my ass



Big-brother-is-watching-youBy Randy Rossi - 

Just when you think things can’t get more bizarre, they do! A perfect example is when we just found out that President Joe Biden and his “regime” have launched a new government control arm that is designed to counter attack what they call “disinformation” that they say can harm Americans. Anybody who has studied history should be scared to death of this government power grab because it is right out of George Orwell’s book “1984”. Having the government control the definition of the “truth” is the route to a dictatorship and the loss of freedom. It is exactly what Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and now Putin have done to absolutely control the thinking of the people. George Orwell studied history and in his book 1984 he explained how “Big Brother” controlled the thinking of the “lowly masses” by controlling what information they were allowed to have access to. It leads to the death of informed debate and freedom of information which allows voters to make informed decisions at the ballot box, something dictatorships hate.

To make this new “Disinformation Board” even scarier, look at who is running it. The new Executive Director is Nina Jankowicz who is the perfect example of “disinformation”. She publicly supported the Dem’s dishonest “Russian Collusion Hoax” which accused President Trump of colluding with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton. Thanks to tens of millions of dollars of government investigations, we now know that is a lie and that Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid millions of dollars for the “Phony Russian Dossier” which started that “Big Lie”. She also attacked the reports on the content of the “Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell” as “Russian disinformation”. We now know that is a lie as well and now even the “Fake News” has acknowledged that the Hunter laptop is real and exposes serious legal problems for Hunter Biden and the “Big Guy” (President Joe Biden). The bottom line is that she is the perfect example of “Disinformation”! To make that even worse, she reports to Secretary of Homeland Security, Alexandro Mayorkas who has brought incredible anarchy and chaos to our southern border which he hides and lies about every day. Over 2 million illegal immigrants broke through our southern borders last year and over 1 million so far this year which has cost American taxpayers over $150 billion a year. Added to that, over 105,000 Americans were killed last year by illegal fentanyl made in China and illegally shipped across our southern border by the same drug cartels that are paid to ship illegal aliens across our southern border because of Mayorkas’ gross negligence and refusal to meet his sworn oath to protect our borders.

The bottom line is that if Americans are willing to let the federal government determine what the truth is, our great republic and our democracy is dead. Freedom of speech and the honest debate of the facts is why our Founding Fathers made freedom of speech part of our 1st Amendment. If we are willing to give up our freedom of speech and let the government determine what the “truth” is, we don’t deserve our freedom and this great republic.

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