Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Gas Lines Soon?

Can't get diesel on the east coast.  Gasoline will be next. It seems that fuel is being sent to Europe.  If you are one of those that voted for Biden, don't even complain.


  1. Anonymous5/11/2022

    The Demcratic PartyThe party that delivers for the middle and low class us citizen.

  2. Anonymous5/11/2022

    Stock up on medical supplies and get at least 3 months of prescriptions in reserve! It's really sad almost all the cancer kidney dialysis patients, diabetics and disabled are now dead in Ukraine can't get prescriptions or treatments.

  3. Anonymous5/11/2022

    My neighbor told me he has lost $120,000 from his 401K since January!

    401ks are now 201ks

    and it's gone 401scam! ...but didn't "THEY" PROMISE 401K'S WERE ULTRA SECURE AND "YOU WOULD BE A MILLIONAIRE IN THE FUTURE" if you just "LEFT IT ALONE"....and all that bullcrap

  4. Anonymous5/12/2022

    All by design!!!!!
