Friday, March 11, 2022

Where's all the other politicians on this?

 this is the only politician with balls

17th District, Cook County Commissioner Sean Morrison's Statement ON THE Jussie Smollett Sentencing & KIM FOXX’S RESPONSE

Orland Park, IL — On Thursday, March 10, 2022, actor Jussie Smollett was sentenced to 150 days in Cook County Jail in connection to a staged hate crime that occurred in Chicago on January 29, 2019. Cook County Judge, James Linn ordered Smollett to pay more than $120,000 in restitution to the City of Chicago, fined Smollett $25,000, and sentenced him to 30-months of felony probation. Smollett will begin his sentence immediately.

Commissioner Morrison believes the sentence from Judge Lin was fair and equitable, considering the gravity and calculated nature of Mr. Smollett’s exploits. His carefully crafted hate crime hoax caused the Chicago Police Department to utilize numerous personnel and extensive hours of investigation. Smollett’s attempt to besmirch Chicago residents and the City of Chicago should come with a steep cost.

This case has received international attention and cast the City of Chicago, Cook County, and its residents in a negative light. It took more than three years and a special prosecutor's investigation to bring this case to a resolution. The special prosecutor's investigation made clear that Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx is culpable in this detestable fiasco.


“Instead of holding Jussie Smollett accountable for devising a hate crime hoax, breaking the law, disregarding law enforcement officials and their time, and wasting taxpayer resources — Kim Foxx opted to use the authority of her elected office to provide favors for a political ally, and mislead the public, the press, and facilitate a cover-up for a politically connected celebrity. Had Kim Foxx done her job and properly executed her elected duties, we wouldn’t be in this position today, over three years later... It’s beyond disgraceful.”

“Kim Foxx could have accepted the facts and outcome of this case and taken responsibility for her role in this embarrassing saga, Instead, she chose to double-down with her latest delusional public response to the Smollett sentencing. Her detachment from reality is alarming and exposes a level of incompetence that is startling to Cook County residents, and residents across the State of Illinois.”

“For the Office of Cook County State’s Attorney to regain the trust of Cook County residents — competence, professional integrity, and accountability must be restored. Kim Foxx has repeatedly demonstrated that she has a total disregard for these important leadership qualities, and I once again call on Kim Foxx to resign from the Office of Cook County State’s Attorney, effective immediately.”


  1. She has been incompetent since day one. Why the HELL is she still in office? You do the crime, you do the time. Get her out now.

  2. Anonymous3/11/2022

    crickets, hey Naps, where are you on this, does Toni have your balls also? Every fucking alderthief and politician should be speaking out but they arent same shit going on in DC

  3. Anonymous3/11/2022

    Kimbo is embarrassed that she could not carry through with the obombos interference.

  4. Anonymous3/11/2022

    The apart that pisses me off is that he did it and said Chicago was a bastion of right wing Trump support. Couldn't be further from the truth. Only city more blue that Chicago Is NYC.

  5. Anonymous3/11/2022

    Foxx and her mentor Preck clearly have embraced lawlessness by looking the other way because it is part of critical race theory. Few ,if any, old line Dems. rarely say anything because they want to protect their padded pensions, low work or no work jobs and more.

  6. Anonymous3/12/2022

    What happened here?? Justice actually prevailed and a very well-connected idiot got held accountable.................
