Friday, March 4, 2022

Leave it to a midget to come up with a plan like this

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) who stands 5'1'', called tonight on national television for the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

How does this end, Graham asked on Fox News Channel.

“Somebody in Russia has to step up to the plate,” Graham said. “Is there a Brutus in Russia?”

“The only way this ends my friend is for someone in Russia to take this guy out. You would be doing the country a great service and the world a great service,” he said. 

Imagine what Putin would do if he thought his personal safety was at risk. Graham should keep his mouth shut.



  1. Anonymous3/04/2022

    RINO asshole

  2. Anonymous3/04/2022

    limpy forgets that Brutus did not act alone.You can bet the family farm that mad vlad has more than enough cronies in place to keep him safe.

  3. Anonymous3/04/2022

    Wow, Joe got unemployment down to 3.8. Donald couldn't do that in 4 years.
