Thursday, October 7, 2021

Americans are losing confidence fast


dazed and confused

2 thoughts on “Milleytary Planning….Really?

  1. Not only is our President an idiot, the man doesn’t have the brains to get a headache.
    The guy has done more damage to our nation in the first nine months of his term then Jimmah Carter did in four years. I don’t think that is an exaggeration. We are screwed. I don’t even know what to even pray or wish for as I look at

    the next two in line. .

  2. It wasn’t incompetence. This was meant to humiliate America and help our enemies! It was a success! Thirteen America servicemen dead. Collateral damage. Not given a second thought.


  1. Anonymous10/07/2021

    Sad thing is we had to vote for Joe to get out of pandemic, if Donald would've took it seriously he would be drinking coke and eating cheeseburgers on Pennsylvania av.

    1. Anonymous10/08/2021

      lori your a fuggin delusional shitbag
