Wednesday, September 29, 2021

McCaskey's game of bluff is blowing up?


Lightfoot: 'We'll do what we can' to keep Bears in Chicago 

Mayor Lightfoot seems almost resigned to the Chicago Bears departing Chicago, hinting that perhaps another NFL team might be interested in making Soldier Field home. 

Maybe they will move to Portland, St. Louis or Grand Rapids. We don't need a second rate team. Chicago is tired of the 2-bit shakedown efforts. Maybe Lightfoot can get the Packers to move here. I will vote for her if she gets them. Also, the KC Chiefs would be good.


  1. Anonymous9/29/2021

    WHo cares about the Bears. Only cucks and democrats watch these entitled police hating racists

    1. Anonymous9/29/2021

      Most people who are not brain dead definitely support that statement.

  2. Anonymous9/29/2021

    See ya, dont let the door hit you where the good Lord split ya. I gave feetsball up after Craperneck took a knee

  3. Anonymous9/30/2021

    What NFL team would want to play in cold ass Chicago in an open stadium next to the lakefront? NONE!

  4. Uh, Portland? Scratch that. The Portland progressives are so anti-progress they would never allow billionaires to invest their own money. Government investment is out of the question. Try again after the tidal wave turns everything west of I-5 into beach front property.
