Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Don't dare complain. Cook County residents are getting the justice system they voted for and thus what they deserve

Two Chicago police officers charged with beating teen during January arrest in Woodlawn

They are accused of beating the 17-year-old boy after he allegedly crashed a stolen vehicle into their patrol car and then pointed a gun at them.
By David Struett@dstru312 Sep 1, 2021, 11:19am CDT

Sun-Times file

Two Chicago police officers are charged with beating a 17-year-old boy after he crashed into their car and pointed a gun at them in January in Woodlawn on the South Side.

Officers Jeffery Shafer and Victor Guebara are both charged with aggravated battery and official misconduct, according to the Cook County state’s attorney’s office. They are expected to appear in court Wednesday afternoon.

The officers arrested the teen after he crashed a stolen vehicle into their patrol car at 65th Street and Drexel Boulevard on Jan. 10, then pointed a gun at them, according to a source in the Civilian Office of Police Accountability, which is investigating the case.

One of the officers hit the 17-year-old in the head and then pushed him into a metal fence and onto a sidewalk, the source said. The other officer punched the teen in his face, the source said.

Two other police officers also face disciplinary charges for either failing to intervene or not activating their body-worn camera, the source said.

Chicago police did not immediately comment on the charges.


  1. Anonymous9/01/2021

    They will be back to work soon, Once young black youth record comes out

  2. Anonymous9/01/2021

    Any charges against the pack of animals that beat the shit out of 2 white guys in River North Saturday night?

    1. Anonymous9/02/2021

      No and their wont be, thats only reserved for YT. Reverse all races around in this story and msm would cover it 24/7 and the feds would already be called in. This city and state are a bad joke. Let the gold coast and michigan ave burn, this is what you asshole democrats voted for , enjoy it

  3. Anonymous9/01/2021

    I bet Chicago has Dominion voting machines

  4. Anonymous9/01/2021

    Let River North and the Gold Coast turn into Detroit don't do any Police work.

    1. Anonymous9/02/2021

      Yes. Fuck it, let it burn and you can thank a democrat for that. No proactive police work until this crazy bitch is out of office, cant strike but can unoffically do this..
