Sunday, August 15, 2021

Biden Owns This

U.S. Helicopters Rush In To Evacuate Americans At Embassy In Kabul: ‘This Is Joe Biden’s Saigon’
By Ryan Saavedra

The Taliban closed in on Afghanistan’s capital city of Kabul on Sunday as helicopters were seen evacuating people from the U.S. Embassy in what was widely deemed Democrat President Joe Biden’s “Saigon” moment.

The Islamic extremist group controlled every major city in Afghanistan and was seen in numerous photos driving around in Humvees.


  1. seem to remember an Air America helo evacuating a Saigon prison 45+ years ago as we were run out of town. What have we learned?

  2. Anonymous8/15/2021

    Vietnam II

  3. Anonymous8/15/2021

    In afghanistan they overthrew the government with force, here we do it with election fraud, result is the same.

  4. Anonymous8/18/2021

    I remember a UH-1 Huey evacuating CIA personnel from their CIA employee's residence at an Apartment Building that still gets reported at the US Embassy.
