Wednesday, August 25, 2021

94.7% of People Evacuated by U.S. from Afghanistan Are NOT Americans

The White House bragged about the 4,400 Americans they've evacuated so far. They didn't mention those still stranded or the masses of non-Americans they've airlifted out.
by JD Rucker

If ever there was a time for “America First” policies to be applied, it’s the current situation with Afghanistan. The clock is ticking and there are tens of thousands of Americans stranded in Taliban-controlled territory living in fear and begging to be rescued.

The Pentagon told reporters that they have rescued 4,400 Americans so far.

Over 4,400 Americans have now been evacuated from Afghanistan: Pentagon

What they didn’t mention was that tens of thousands remain. They also didn’t mention that America’s efforts thus far have been focused on evacuating non-Americans. According to Jordan Davidson at The Federalist, that number is staggering:

More than 82,300 have been airlifted from Kabul since the government’s collapse nearly two weeks ago, but the Pentagon says that, as of Wednesday, only 4,400 Americans were rescued in those evacuation operations.

President Joe Biden previously promised to get out the Americans who are left in Afghanistan and subject to the Taliban’s rule, but so far, our own citizens do not appear to be the priority.

The State Department also confirmed that a majority of the people whisked away on flights from Kabul are not U.S. citizens. On Tuesday, Politico national security reporter Alex Ward reported leaked numbers indicating that in just 15 hours on Aug. 23, the United States evacuated approximately 6,916 people from Afghanistan. Only 483 of those were American citizens while the rest were Aghan nationals.

While estimates suggest that thousands are still stranded in Afghanistan following the Taliban’s swift takeover of the capital city, the Biden administration still refuses to disclose just how many Americans were left behind. The administration’s process for thoroughly vetting individuals coming into the United States from Afghanistan is also unclear.

The Biden regime has been as opaque as possible with their efforts to evacuate Americans. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was more offended by the word “stranded” earlier this week than the atrocities being committed against Americans by their new Taliban overlords. They are not acting like an administration with a mission. They’re acting like a political unit in PR damage-control mode.


  1. Anonymous8/25/2021

    I fear September 11th...........

  2. Anonymous8/25/2021

    Its almost as if the biden administration is working with the Taliban and 10s of thousands of US Citizens will lose their lives.......

  3. Anonymous8/25/2021

    We are going to leave them behind like we did Vietnam POWs then refuse to pay their ransoms! What do you want us to do start the war back up again?

  4. Anonymous8/26/2021

    How many "bad guys" are on those flights posing as refugees???

  5. Anonymous8/26/2021

    Get ready for many more welfare recipients.
