Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Biden Is Not Yet Inaugurated and the Establishment Is Already Fomenting Civil War


Biden Is Not Yet Inaugurated and the Establishment Is Already Fomenting Civil War

Paul Craig Roberts

Trump was demonized before he was inaugurated. He was demonized because he was correctly perceived by the Establishment as a threat to the Establishment.  Trump’s election surprised the Establishment.  The Establishment thought that Establishment control over the media guaranteed their power and was astonished to realize that enough American voters saw through their lies and propaganda to elect a non-establishment figure.

The world does not understand that the American Establishment has a propaganda organization that

shames the one assembled by Joseph Goebbels. The American media, never very independent, lost all semblance to independence during the Clinton regime when 90% of the US media was concentrated into six hands and converted into a completely obedient tool of the Establishment.  Anyone who doubts this should explain why on every issue the presstitutes speak with one voice, which is never the voice of the people.

It is extraordinary that anyone could have fallen for the Establishment’s line that Trump conspired with Putin to steal the election from Hillary, but so many did.  The Establishment could not permit the realization that the American Establishment had been rejected by the American people in the 2016 election.  Using the CIA and FBI the Establishment went to work on Trump.  His entire four years was used in fighting orchestrated Russiagate investigations and an orchestrated impeachment.  Most people in the world know nothing more about these four years than American presstitute headlines told them.

In the Soviet Union, Stalin’s police state control enabled him to frame Bolshevik leader Nikolai Bukharin as a capitalist spy. In the American democracy, the Establishment has been able in plain view to steal Trump’s reelection and is now framing him as an insurrectionist.  The power of this establishment is so great that Republicans have wilted and are kneeling to the Establishment in order to protect themselves. Trump’s appointees are resigning and running for their lives and reputations.

The military/security complex using the DNC and the media has been able to do what Stalin did—eliminate the opposition.

The Establishment has now put out calls for retribution against US Senators and Representatives who supported Trump’s attempt to have the evidence of electoral fraud examined.  I have watched presentations of the evidence by nonpartisan professionals, and the evidence of electoral fraud is overwhelming.  Yet it has been deep-sixed without ever being examined.  In place of examination, from day one the presstitutes, none of whom looked at the evidence, repeated endlessly that there was no evidence.  Trump, and not the stolen election, was blamed for discrediting American democracy.

The American Establishment is not through with Trump and his supporters. Propaganda campaigns against them could well end in show trials.  

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, like the print and TV media and NPR, are employed to shut down non-establishment explanations. Consequently, new social media organizations, such as Parler have arisen as uncensored forums.  Judging from    information sent to Mark Crispin Miller and posted on Notes from Underground ( ), Parler is now under attack: “BREAKING – Apple has given #Parler a 24 HOUR ULTIMATUM to implement a “moderation plan” or it’s getting scrubbed from the app store.”  If this hasn’t yet happened, it will.  “Moderation,” of course, means compliance with Establishment wishes.  [Update: Parlor scrubbed–]

Americans and Western peoples in general are very insouciant people.  The Establishment has used Identity Politics to disunite whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, men, and women.  A population at war with itself has no prospect of standing against the Establishment which exercises power in its interest independently of the interests of the people.  In such a system, democracy is merely a cover for oligarchic rule.  No one is permitted in public office who is not a servant of the Establishment.  Any who somehow get there are removed. Redistricting was used to rid the Establishment of Dennis Kucinich. Ron Paul was eliminated by the RNC by “a systematic campaign of election fraud at state conventions” according to a lawsuit in federal district court. If these methods of elimination are not available, women are trotted out to allege sexual harassment or corruption or tax frame-ups are used. Those who don’t go along with the Establishment do not have a career.  This is true as well in corporate employment and universities.  

Fear and demonization are powerful Establishment weapons. Truth and the human achievement of civil liberty are their victims.  

Biden Declares War on Trump Voters

Biden’s (the Establishment’s) war on domestic terrorism is a war on Trump deplorables.  As I told you, normal white Americans are in for it.  Here is Glenn Greenwald to tell you about it: 

With unilateral censorship of a sitting US president, Big Tech has proven it’s more powerful than any government: 

Pelosi consults with military brass on how to keep NUCLEAR CODES out of Trump’s hands: 

Biden the unifier? President-elect likens Cruz, Hawley to Nazi propagandist Goebbels, says they share blame for inciting violence: 

House Democrats leak draft of Trump IMPEACHMENT for ‘inciting insurrection’: 

Hopefully and I mean this sincerely, there will be no civil war and no violence. The democrats have won this battle because Americans, instead of standing guard over our freedoms, were at home playing their video games these past 20 years. The political mood will reverse in a few years, they alway do. Meanwhile, get ready for the democrats to flaunt their stuff. White males, past and present, are going to be demonized. Every institution, every monument, every street, every place named for a white male is going to be renamed, removed, redone; and it's going to start happening immediately as the democrats attempt to deny history. Be assured, this too will pass. 


  1. Anonymous1/13/2021

    Below I publish the rules most of us practiced for survival while living in the Soviet Union. Learn, please, if you think it will be useful for you (if you do not escape to Poland or Hungary).

    I am aware of "Russia, Russia" screams from the Democrats in the last years, but those are just foolish screams of ignorant people. What is coming will devastate them as much as you and I.

    Those are irrelevant to the advice I am giving you here, once the US is entering a very special era of socialism and total control/punishment, it is the end of the American Dream.

    Here are the rules we followed in the USSR (not sure what will be applicable, but you need to know and practice in advance):

    1. Stop expressing ANY your private opinion publicly. You should express happiness and smiles, and not words, all the time when you are in public. You are a builder of Communism.

    All your private thoughts are just for you, not for others. Remember - if you discuss anything private with your spouse in your own kitchen - that can be reported during a divorce for a larger alimony, or for promotion at work, or for other favors for her. Please be sane and restrictive in what you say out loud. NO, I am happily married for 30Y, but I have to be cautious now going forward, USA or not. NO, I am not paranoid, it is just new era for the USA (old for us, immigrants).

    2. Please follow your leaders and memorize what they say. This is important, as this is what you should repeat when you talk in public or in private about politics, or even with a friend - and if you recognize that someone says the same as other communist's leaders say - cheer.

    If you do not cheer, you will be blamed for not being politically correct. Your friend or your wife or your neighbour will report you. He/she will be rewarded, you will go to jail/gulag/FEMA camp forever.

    3. If - God forbid - your child says something that is not in-line with the Communist Party line (at kindergarten or school) you will loose your job, your place of living, and - your child. Please be cautious in what you train your child to say once your teach him or her. What is permissible to say or not should be very clear. Please be politically correct at home.

    4. Never complain about what you have - job, work, home, wife, child (children). If you are not happy you immediately become a dangerous element. You will be eliminated.

    5. NEVER read books or whatever is not allowed. I, once, have seen an outside cover of a prohibited by the USSR Communalist Party book. The person who was carrying it secretly (16 years old girl) has spent 2 days at KGB solitary cell, I have spent there about 4 hours - I was not dangerous as I did not read the book. 2 adults were sent to Siberia for the incident (parents, and not mine).

    6. Remember, all elections are fair and right. If you ever doubt, god bless your dead body. Seriously, please never talk about it. Everybody knows anyway - elections are fair.

    7. Play stupid always when you talk to your boss, especially if he/she is in the Party.

    Basically, it is it, for our immediate future.

    Thank you for reading, we are all together in this.

  2. Anonymous1/14/2021

    Sad but true

  3. its taking 25,000 armed Government troops to put a man into the White House, who has already stated he's going to overturn 400 immigration rules with thousands coming from Guatemala to crash our border. Note, these thousands will be illegal alien's in Mexico which will step back and escort them here. That's the Mexico we give millions in aid to yearly. Go figure.

  4. Anonymous1/20/2021

    It is especially nauseating to see the new "Catholic" President pro abortion....pretending and using our Church as a prop for his anti-Catholic Administration....

  5. Another "establishment" blog...raw meat to President Trump supporters who were actually surprised to learn that most of the voters (and not all Democrats) in the United States have hated...literally HATED the last four years of this presidency. Incompetence shows glaringly with one mistake after another by this administration which has put the country in physical danger, in an economic spinout and extreme divisions pitting Democrats against Republicans against MAGA supporters. President Trump promised a lot, came up with little and cannot bring himself to say I was in way over my head. This potpourri of bad ideas and no leadership skills has given us just what this country didn't need, more headaches. We have a long way to go but this experiment is now over...let's move on.
