Monday, December 28, 2020

Kinzinger, just another compromised politician

Kinzinger, who may be redistricted out of his seat or face a Republican primary challenger in 2024, has been flailing of late as he appears increasingly out-of-step with the GOP rank-in-file, and longing for the pre-Trump Republican Party that is popular among the leadership of the Illinois GOP. It is rumored that Kinzinger is eyeing higher office and likely currying favor with Illinois' Democrat and Republican power-brokers to obtain his next office and continue his singular, lifetime career in government. 


  1. Nothing worst then a judeist rhino

  2. Restore our GOP...Adam might be time for you to put BIG BOY PANTS on and go out and get a real job....TRUMP is the real deal..your NOT 😆 CAN'T STOP TRUMP TRAIN..Next Stop WASHINGTON D.C. JANUARY 6TH..LEAVING SOUTHSIDE TUESDAY. 👍👍

  3. Anonymous12/29/2020

    He is WEAK and a RINO

  4. Anonymous12/29/2020

