Monday, December 28, 2020

Congressman Adam Kinzinger

                                                                BIG WIMP ASSHOLE

Attacked Trump when he figured Trump was finished, not before. That makes him a backstabbing wimp. 


  1. Anonymous12/28/2020

    All professional politians are mostly scumbags this will bite him latter the deep state swamp got there wish and threw the most hoesst preeidents since Washington

  2. Anonymous12/29/2020

    Nah, he's pulling a Mark Kirk, minus the stroke. Remember Kirk touting his miltary history. Kinsinger is just an opportunist grandstanding. But he's pulled shit like this before, thinking it makes him more attractive to crossover democrats. He'd have more backbone if he just switched parties and ran against Duckworth in the primary. The country really hasn't set the bar that high to qualify for Congress. You don't have to be honest (Schiff), it helps to whine (Schumer), you needn't be required to control your bowels (Nadler), it helps to be a rich senile *itch (Pelosi), you don't need to keep government intelligence information to yourself (Swalwell), you're not required to have discretion in confidential meetings with the President (Durbin), no need to introduce meaningful or thoughtful legislation (Duckworth, but a meaningful first could be first to breastfeed on the Senate floor). When its all evaluated, a congressional candidate, house or senate, doesn't need any redeemable qualities at all. Finally the premise of being "an attractive" candidate is kind of an oxymoron.

  3. Anonymous12/29/2020


  4. Anonymous12/30/2020


  5. Anonymous12/30/2020

    How can you vote for Republicans like this? I'm staying home

  6. Anonymous1/04/2021

    The entire state is compromised. Tax dollars feeding more corruption. State population shrinking, taxes increasing to fuel corruption throughout the state/chicago..🤮
