Wednesday, December 16, 2020

AOC is hinting at term limits

New York, NY — In a newly released interview on Wednesday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez argued that Democrats are in need of new leadership. Specifically, she says that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer need to go. While she wants their departure, she says that there is no one to step into their place in Congress.

AOC made her comments in a recent podcast interview with The Intercept. She said that Democratic leaders spent years consolidating power, which has led to a void in individuals ready to step into roles within the two congressional chambers.

She continued her comments, saying that these two leaders have consolidated power and changed processes so much that individual members of Congress have less power than they did years ago. She claims this causes talented members of Congress to leave and run for state offices, rather than remaining in the federal government.

AOC seems to suggest that she and some of her progressive partners in Congress are considering withholding support from Pelosi. Pelosi needs 218 votes in January to remain Speaker, so just a few withholding support could be a problem. That was not all AOC was upset about.

She was also upset that Biden has suggested bringing in people from the Obama administration into his own. She states that such moves were “horrible” and were part of the cause for President Trump winning the election in the first place. It seems that AOC is just simply not happy with Democrats at all.

For once, I do agree with AOC. It is time for Pelosi and Schumer to go. Both have made a living on the backs of the American people for far too long. Both are evil individuals that have operated with corrupt intentions for decades.

The problem is, who would take their place? Who would the Democrats put in place that could appeal to the party? It’s clear that the party is divided between the progressives and those that are simply trying to ride out the rest of their congressional careers.

A recent YouGov poll found that support for capitalism in the US fell from 59% to 55% in just the past year. The same poll found that support for socialism increased from 36% to 40%, rising the most among those aged 16-23. That’s an issue for the party and for the country.

Our country is clearly divided in half on the issues, as strongly as ever before. Democrats have no desire to exist with Republicans and vice versa. We are at the point that Republicans and Democrats do not want to coexist in the same neighborhoods. That is a problem for the future of our country.


  1. Anonymous12/17/2020

    The Democrats bigoted attitudes are reflected on local level politicians. They are the ones that sponsor hate. I have worked over 45 years in the private sector and every spring the company held sexual harassment classes. Everyone had to take them. There are no such classes in Chicago, judging on the prevailing attitudes of the city workers that reside here. There is veiled acceptance only when it suits them. Since I pay dearly for these people, they should be trained at all levels the way I was.

  2. Anonymous12/17/2020

    The Left is consuming itself........

  3. Anonymous12/17/2020

    AOC is a communist.

  4. Anonymous12/18/2020

