Monday, November 9, 2020

ANTIFA does not like Biden?

 At the first presidential debate, Democrat Joe Biden famously said, “Antifa is an idea, not an organization.” That idea vandalized his Portland campaign building Sunday night, breaking windows and spray painting “BLM” and “F— Biden,” among other things. It would seem that the idea has manifested into a form that isn’t happy with the media-anointed president-elect.

Independent journalist Drew Hernandez recorded the aftermath of the riotous attack.

Anyone who doesn’t get their news through mainstream media as well as residents of cities

under siege like Portland realize that Antifa is, indeed, more than an idea and clearly quite organized. Biden was quoting FBI Director Christopher Wray when he made his debate comment, but he was missing context. Wray was not suggesting that Antifa isn’t tangible the way Biden tried to frame his words. He was saying that they do not have centralized leadership or infrastructure. Even that comment is questionable considering the degree of coordination that has become more and more apparent in recent months.


  1. Anonymous11/09/2020

    "He was saying that they do not have centralized leadership or infrastructure"

    That's either a giant lie or he is the dumbest FBI agent in the world.

  2. Anonymous11/09/2020

    progressives dont like biden.

  3. Anonymous11/09/2020

    The Antifa should attack him directly
