Thursday, October 29, 2020

This could be it


The Morning Report - 10/29/20


Onto the situation, just about every link in every category for today converges at a single point - November 3rd, 2020. The rioting and mayhem centered on Philadelphia but flaring up elsewhere over the death of a black man lunging at cops with a knife and getting shot and killed, the fear-mongering over the Chinese virus that is provably only incrementally more lethal than seasonal flu to the most vulnerable and the continued censorship or otherwise attempted discrediting of the vast criminal pay-for-play long con of the Biden Family all have one goal, and that is sabotage the more than likely Trump victory

that will happen five days from now or not long after, the ballot counting deadline shenanigans notwithstanding. 

What happens after November 3rd (ish) will truly be an absolute crossroads in the life of this nation going forward every bit as crucial as April 19th, 1775, April 12th, 1861, December 7th, 1941 and September 11th, 2001. It took almost 100 years but the government, society and all the institutions and norms associated with it that despite our differences were supposed to keep us unified have been so thoroughly compromised and corrupted, whether for ideological or personal gain (or both), that we are at the point of collapse. 12 years ago, Barack Obama's election was seen as progressivism's final victory over what that movement's followers viewed as a deeply flawed if not completely illegitimate nation. But we the people did not go quietly into that good night. The overt pillaging and persecution of the American people by him and his fellow Democrats and the feckless, useless and ultimately collaborationist GOP-e engendered a reaction: Donald J. Trump.

And for the mortal sin of no longer taking a rhetorical anal gang rape and being grateful for it by shouting "enough!" and electing Trump, we must be destroyed. It's not just because Trump campaigned on draining the swamp, it's because he fulfilled his promise to do so, the sabotage from all sides including many allegedly on our own notwithstanding. Before the phony pandemic lockdown and strangulation of our economy and of our Constitutional rights, President Trump did more to advance our rights, our prosperity and our security, at home and abroad, than arguably any other president in our history. In order to do that, he had to drive a stake into the heart of a vampire that had been sucking the life out of our nation. That vampire is far from dead, as we can see from the riots, the election rigging, the censorship and demonization, and all the other meshugas erupting before us as Election Day draws near. As horrendous as the crimes and moral decay of the Bidens are, they're merely a microcosm of the corrosively evil system and movement that he's a part of. 

I suppose this editorial is better suited for next Tuesday morning but my muse is what it is. Many of the links are worthy of a flaming skull in their own right but when you're inundated with them simultaneously, which has been the case now going on several weeks, it makes the task of focusing in on one thing next to impossible. But still I persist. Even if as all real indicators, as well as my gut, tell me that Trump will win this thing, the insurrection against him will only intensify. That said, with no re-election to be concerned with, there will be nothing to hold him back in dealing with it. In terms of BLM/Antifa - the Armed Militant Wing of the Democrat Party - even Rush Limbaugh said yesterday, echoing what we have been shrieking for months now, that Trump should send these terrorists to GITMO. 

As far as the Deep State embeds still infesting virtually every bureaucracy and agency, the mission should be to not only purge as many as possible, but to try and abolish and dissolve entire agencies altogether. I'm looking right at the FBI and the CIA, to say nothing of the EPA and the IRS (I can dream, can't I?).

But then, as I have often pondered and will ponder that much more in the next four years, what comes after Trump? It's either national divorce or complete victory over the Democrat-Socialist anti-American enterprise. That means, retaking academia top to bottom, and that is a generational struggle which I can't even begin to figure out how to accomplish. 

What cannot go on, will not go on. There is no common ground with which to even base the most basic rapprochement. It's us or them. You're either with us or with the terrorists. For now, there's only next Tuesday. And if we do not win clearly and unambiguously, there's no tomorrow.

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