Saturday, October 3, 2020

Biden should not be calling himself Catholic


  1. Anonymous10/03/2020

    When I see how far too many in the 19th Ward have been willing to compromise their supposed religious beliefs in order to support an ever more anti Catholic Party - the Democrats - just for a job or a pension I am disappointed. Noone has the courage to even vote - privately - for Pro-Life candidates...usually Republicans but included Dan Lipinski....I have to wonder how that conversation will be on our final day on Earth, when we meet the Almighty?

    1. Anonymous10/03/2020

      On judgement day, that conversation will be very somber. Hopefully by the grace of God these phony Catholics will be forgiven. If not, I pity them. Our time on earth is very short in the whole scheme of things. Eternal damnation is a very long long time.

  2. Anonymous10/03/2020

    he is the Devils spawn.....

  3. Have Biden, Pelosi and Durbin been excommunicated? (☉。☉)!

  4. Anonymous10/03/2020

    I'm waiting for Tom Fitten from Judicial Watch to get the report, which the Secret Service says was destroyed, that involved Biden copping a feel from a Secret Service agent's wife where the agent had to be restrained from tearing creepy Joe apart. The whole family is perverted.

  5. Anonymous10/03/2020

    That's what arrogant powerful people do. He doesn't care if he feels your wife or daughter. He knows he can get away with it, without punishment. Just like our mayor. Time for the people not to vote Democrat and do a massive ballot write in election day.
