Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Stand by for Trump

The president will be landing at Mitchell Field late this morning, and will soon after tour the devastation in Kenosha. Later, he will attend a pro-police rally. Counter demonstrators will be kept distant. Left extremist wish their candidate could be seen just leaving the basement.


  1. Anonymous9/01/2020

    I don't think they care if he leaves the basement or not. In the unlikely event that he wins, his handlers will most likely keep him locked down. This really reminds me of Weekend at Bernie's movies.

  2. I expected Kenosha Mayor John Antamarian and Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers to denounce President Trump. (☉。☉)!

    Conversely, Preckwinkle, Pritzker and Lightfoot behave like they have say on a presidential visit in another city, located in another state, where they have no governmental rights whatsoever.
