Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Monkey see monkey do

Biden campaign confirms former VP to visit Kenosha on Thursday

KENOSHA, Wis. - The Biden campaign confirms for FOX6 News that former Vice President Joe 
Biden and Jill Biden will visit Kenosha on Thursday, Sept. 3.

A campaign news release says the Bidens will hold "a community meeting in Kenosha to bring together Americans to heal and address the challenges we face."

The Biden visit follows after President Trump’s visit to Kenosha Tuesday -- and a new ad by the Trump campaign on Kenosha.


  1. Anonymous9/02/2020

    His last 60 days Biden will sponge off of Trump.....

  2. Anonymous9/07/2020

    His commercials are now voicing outrage at looting and burning. Is this chameleon like behavior pandering?
