Friday, September 4, 2020

Bill Barr ENDS Wolf Blitzer's ENTIRE CAREER In A SINGLE Interview! It Do...


  1. Talking about how Trump said to verify that your vote was counted, would you be able to confirm how you voted? that is to say make sure no one screwed with your ballot

  2. Talking about how Trump said to verify that your vote was counted, would you be able to confirm how you voted? that is to say make sure no one screwed with your ballot

  3. Youth for Nixon9/05/2020

    even us dumb chumbolones know its vote in person with PICTURE ID. now more than ever. in illinois especially with the doomed governor wants us to trust his new tax system. gee dont we all have off shore accounts loaded with cash. this state is like the seinfeld "the bizzaro world"

  4. Youth for Nixon9/05/2020

    in person with picture ID now more than ever
