Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Biden thinks white people...... a major crisis


Biden Identifies '4 Historic Crises' Facing USA: 'Pandemic,' 'Economic Crisis,' 'White Supremacy,' 'Climate Change', he thinks what he is told to think

By Susan Jones | September 15, 2020 | 6:49am EDT
 Fire burns on a hillside behind homes in Arcadia, California on September 13, 2020. (Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images)
Fire burns on a hillside behind homes in Arcadia, California on September 13, 2020. (Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images)

(CNSNews.com) - At the very beginning of his climate-change speech on Monday, Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden said the United States faces "four historic crises all at the same time."

Certainly, the coronavirus pandemic led the list. But law and order did not even get honorable mention:


"You know, as a nation we face one of the most difficult moments in our history, in my view. Four historic crises all at the same time," Biden said in

a speech at the Delaware Museum of Natural History in Wilmington:

"The worst pandemic in 100 years that's already killed nearly 200,000 people and counting. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression has cost tens of millions of American jobs and counting. Emboldened white supremacy unseen since the 60s and a reckoning on race that's long overdue. And undeniable acceleration of the punishing reality of climate change on our planet and our people, on the lives and livelihoods, which I would like to talk about now."


Biden mentioned "devastating wildfires" in the West, hurricanes and tropical storms on the East Coast, as well as "floods and droughts across the Midwest," all of which he attributed to "the fury of climate change," although such natural disasters are recurring events in this country.

Biden said a "recent study showed air pollution is linked with increased risk of death from COVID-19."

"Our economy can't recover if it can't build back with more resiliency, more ability to withstand the extreme weather, extreme weather that will only come with greater frequency and intensity."

“The unrelenting impact of climate change affects every single solitary one of us,” Biden continued, “but too often the brunt falls disproportionately on communities of color exacerbating the need for environmental justice.

“Sorry, that was a bug, speaking of the environment," Biden said, swatting away a fly.


Back to Biden’s speech:

These interlocking crises of our time requires action, not denial, requires leadership, not scapegoating. It requires the president to meet the threshold duty of the office to care, to care for everyone, to defend us from every attack seen and unseen, always and without exception.

Because here's the deal, hurricanes don't swerve to avoid red states or blue states, wildfires don't skip towns that voted a certain way. The impacts of climate change don't pick and choose. That's because it's not a partisan phenomenon.

It's science, and our response should be the same, grounded in science, acting together, all of us, but like with our federal response to COVID-19, a lack of a national strategy on climate--on climate change overall leaves us with a patchwork of solutions. As a matter fact it has been made worse by the changes this administration has made...

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  1. Anonymous9/15/2020

    Biden is a Trojan Horse.
    Kamala Harris and other extreme Leftists are hiding within.

  2. Being White, Biden is a White Supremacist too. (●__●)

  3. Anonymous9/15/2020

    Biden has never had an original thought in his life. Harris will tell you want you want to hear, she's a fraud.

  4. Anonymous9/15/2020

    Biden couldn’t manage a solid bowl movement πŸ’©
    Obama (the anti-Christ) is the man behind the curtain!

  5. Anonymous9/16/2020

    Democratic Socialist Party... LAWLESSNESS-DESTRUCTION-DEATH... All created by the chicago Democratic Party messiah barack osama obama COMPLETE FRAUD TRAITOR to AMERICA...

  6. Anonymous9/16/2020

    If Joe & the HO get in there will be nothing but crisis, and then the USA turns into Venezuela

  7. Anonymous9/16/2020

    The four horses of the democratic apocalypse as out lined by them and only for them. All encompassing problems made of thin air against our civil and moral republic. These people are the uncivil and immoral John Adams tried to warn U about. " The constitution is designed to govern a civil and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for any other." The democrats have carefully crafted a narrative against our liberties . The is truly a political battle between good and evil on display on the TV every night. It is not hard to see which side each has chosen , no matter of the rhetoric.

  8. Anonymous9/16/2020

    Biden is merely a trojan horse for the NWO/Marxist handlers......

  9. Anonymous9/17/2020

    I'm not sure if it's me, but he sounds like he's slurring his words. Very annoying to say the least.
