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Source: Baxter Dmitry
President Donald Trump is the first president of the United States not to start a new war in his first term in the Oval Office for forty years — and
globalist Democrats are outraged.
Sometimes it’s easy to miss the things that don’t happen,” said Tucker Carlson this week. “We are living in an unusual period in American history where we are living under an administration that hasn’t started a new war. That hasn’t happened in more than 40 years.

No one ever says that. Some people are upset about it. Some people want more war. A lot more war,” Tucker continued. “If you were watching the proceedings at the Democratic National Convention last night, you heard speaker after speaker urging America’s young people to get out there and get killed in some foreign country they can’t find on a map.”
You saw the Democratic nominee from several years ago, John Kerry, urge voters to vote Democrat so we can have more wars.