At some point, Americans are going to start wondering if he's capable of saying anything not on a teleprompter.
by JD Rucker

President Obama was known for his skill at reading a teleprompter. On the rare occasion when his teleprompter broke, he would embarrass himself by not being able to switch gears and speak from the heart. But he was still capable of taking questions and thinking on his feet when necessary, especially when he called a press conference. His Vice President, Joe Biden, used to be able to do it, too. Not anymore.
At today’s “press conference” about violence and anything else his staff could squeeze into the teleprompter, Biden droned on reading the words that were presented to him. But when the “Reading is Fundamental” portion of the press conference was over, some reporters started spitting out questions. Not many, mind you, as they seemingly knew what was coming. Biden didn’t take questions. He left the podium without so much as a goodbye.
It was worse than that, though. As the speech dragged on, he seemed to be getting tired. It wasn’t an hour-long speech like the President delivered last week. It was a relatively short speech, though long for Biden, and by the end he looked physically and emotionally exhausted. Reactions from social media have not been positive.
A healthy 78 year old shouldn't for all practical purposes appear to be so frail.