By Mike Adams

(Natural News) America is now in the midst of a civil war, but only one side is fighting… the anti-America side.
The enemies of America are not merely tearing down statues, beating white people on the streets, torching local businesses, seizing city property and assaulting police, they are intent on overthrowing the United States of America and rolling out a communist authoritarian regime. Under their desired regime, the U.S. Constitution would be completely nullified, private firearms ownership would be criminalized and no speech would be allowed anywhere in America unless it’s speech that worships Black Lives Matter, LGBT lunacy, Antifa terrorists and other required champions of “progressivism” (which has now devolved into a dangerous cult of mass mental illness).
So far, pro-America forces are refusing to fight, surrendering everything to the lunatic Left. But that’s about to change. We’re already seeing evidence that ordinary Americans, fed up with the terrorism, destruction of property and outrageous insanity of BLM and Antifa, are picking up their firearms and taking a stand to defend themselves against left-wing terrorists.
The Union is long gone. (ب_ب)
ReplyDeleteThe extremism that destroyed America of 1860 America is now driving the violence that will cause our nation to collapse. What replaces is it anyone's guess, but tolerance of other races will be extinct in most parts of the nation. The idea of civil discourse will die following the examples preached on our universities although not in the form they desired. Blood will be spilled, and its hard to think an entity that believes in an Ozone hole and 98 genders is going to triumph.