Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Patriot or Traitor?

In an interview with Joe Barron for an upcoming issue of Dunning-Kruger Magazine, Obama revealed his position on the government of the future:
What’s happening now is kind of a big deal. The entire world is in chaos because of it. In order to move past this, coordination is required on a scale never before seen.
There’s only one way that this can be accomplished. A common government for the globe must be established. In fact, there has never been a more appropriate time for a one world government to take form. The time for this to happen is now. There isn’t a moment to waste. We need BIG GLOBE now more than ever.
There is nothing to fear with this. I will personally be involved, so you can be assured that the earth will be in competent and capable hands. I will do for the entire globe what I did for America. The safety and security of all humanity is a virtual lock.”


  1. Anonymous7/08/2020

    God help us. The one world government is scary enough without Obozo being involved.

  2. Anonymous7/08/2020

    In an interview with Joe Barron.....Obama revealed his position....

    What am I missing here? Who was interviewed?

    1. Reading comprehension not your thing, huh.

  3. Anonymous7/08/2020

    if i said what i thought id be in the gulag like blago was but for now ill agree with Frank

  4. Jack Van Impe, Hal Lindsey and Ervin Baxter have all mentioned One World Government support by Obama, Clinton and the Bushes. (‘◉⌓◉’)

  5. Anonymous7/08/2020

    Somewhere is a smoky, pot filled room, Obama took suggestions from the likes of Ayers, Dohrne and Alinsky. He parlayed his gift of bullshit into 8 years of demeaning the United States, sending apologies to this countries enemies, pallets of cash that subsidized terrorist attacks on our troops over seas, made a boat load of money between book deals, media production companies, purchased expensive real estate in DC as well as Martha's vineyard, screwed up our health care system, weaponized IRS and Intelligence agencies against private citizens and still managed to get that nine fingered imbecile we had for a mayor to front for an edifice in honor, privately owned as a for profit venture, on Chicago Park District property, with a branch of the Chicago Public Library on site to ensure the City will be picking up the tab for maintenance, while the Center itself will hold no hard copy evidence, proof of his presidential accomplishments. What could possibly be wrong with that. Obama and his minions, referred to the police as stupid when they responded to a call of a burglary in progress, stated that Trayvon Martin could be his son, perpetuated the "hands up-don't shoot" myth of Ferguson, Missouri, sheltered the Attorney General Holder in the Fast and Furious debacle. And he still had the balls to say with a straight face that he had a scandal free 8 years in the White House. Does anybody else see what's going on here? Driving west on 103rd, a young college aged female carrying her Black Lives Matter sign after getting off the Metra, I wondered how much she, or anyone else for that matter knows about this Soros funded, Marxist organization that has little or nothing to do with the quality of life in the African American community. Rather by the open admission of its founder, its an organization founded in Marxism that seeks to destroy American life as laid out in our Constitution, simply to gain advantage for those in the LGqbT community. And more than 80% of funds donated to this organization through their website go straight to the Democratic National Party. Time to wake up before there's nothing left to wake up to.

  6. By Harry Helmet
    May 18, 2020

    "I am Barack, I am an island."
    Simon & Garfunkel 1965


  7. Anonymous7/09/2020


  8. Anonymous7/09/2020

