Friday, July 10, 2020

Black Lives Matter attacks Catholic prayer group in St. Louis

Satanic forces are getting bolder


  1. Anonymous7/10/2020

    Savages having their moment.

  2. Anonymous7/10/2020

    This is such an outrage!!! That man with the horn was physically harassing people who were there to pray!! They are brainwashed, loud mouthed, ignorant, hate filled, violent adult children who need to be stopped. The police should arrest that man and those in attendance of the prayer rally need to find that goon, file charges of physical assault, and sue him for hearing damage. A kick in the nads, or handcuffs is all these diaper wearing maniacs understand. Makes me sick and outraged. If any 19th Ward Catholic sees this and does not feel the same then you are lost. This is the new Democrat Pary

  3. Anonymous7/10/2020

    They need to charge the idiot with the air horn with battery as he could be damaging ones hearing

  4. Anonymous7/10/2020

    Once again BLM acting like Hitler's brown shirts in the 1930s, and who supports BLM and Antifa? Oh that's right the democratic party.

    1. Anonymous7/10/2020

      But my union told me to vote for Biden.

    2. Goerge7/11/2020

      No union, especially AFL-CIO, would ever support that kind of bs.

    3. Anonymous7/11/2020

      The AFL-CIO endorsed Biden on May 26 2020.

  5. Anonymous7/10/2020

    Keep this in mind when you see all the snowflakes that show up at 103rd and Western with the BLM signs and F**k12. Do your best not to run them over.

  6. Anonymous7/10/2020

    I found that video really difficult to watch and yet at the same time inspirational as a call to fight the obnoxiously stupid people fronting this organization. Unfortunately there's too many young white people that believe this organization's intention is to lift and level the playing field for African Americans. Most wouldn't quarrel with that idea, but this is insidious and goes further than that and the young whites joining this movement haven't a clue that this group seeks to eliminate them, their lifestyle and everything they've been raised to believe. And the democrats and media just go along. Who will they point their fingers at when they finally find out they've been had.
