Tuesday, June 23, 2020

This is not satanic?

Activist: “Take Down ALL Images of Jesus: all murals and stained glass” [Podcast]

On Sunday’s Youtube Livestream, I explained how activists would not stop at statues of Junípero Serra, but would soon call for the destructing and desecration of all religious images, but especially those of the cross and of Christ. Well, it happened faster than I expected. Monday, June 23, 2020, leader @ShaunnKing called for a new wave of iconoclasm that will include not only statues but also murals and stained glass. Will bishops resist or stand
by as they storm churches, cathedrals, and museums with rocks, bricks, ropes, and spray paint?
Taylor Marshall’s book: Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within: https://amzn.to/35fGp6k
Watch this new podcast episode by clicking here:
Taylor Marshall’s book: Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within: https://amzn.to/35fGp6k


  1. Anonymous6/24/2020

    The shooting will start soon.

  2. It's just not ever going to stop is it.

    1. Anonymous6/24/2020

      Tony, it's spinning out of control. Until someone cuts off the head of the snake, George Soros, their organization will grow. It's time to confront this Evil now, it's getting crazier by the day.

  3. Anonymous6/24/2020

    Of course this is satanic, all of it. The churches have been closed for three months while almost everything else is open. Jewel, Walmart, home depot, most bars and eating establishments (indiana), yet our churches are shut or operating at a very diminished capacity. You need a reservation to get in, you need to get your temp taken, you have to wash your hands 3 times, and the bishops, those who are entrusted with the flock, go along with this. Prepare to see the churches locked up again soon. Satan wants the churches to become irrelevant.

    1. Anonymous6/24/2020

      That was all by design too. Shut down churches so people lose their spirituality. Evil has revealed itself very notably. We either stick together and fight this or succomb to Wickedness.

  4. The various editions of The Bible have no gods before God and no idols/graven images. (●__●)

    In Matthew 6:6, Jesus says pray silently from a closet. w(°o°)w
