Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Looking like it was all BS


  1. Anonymous6/10/2020

    Covid-19 has no more than a 1% morbidity rate, so do the math on 100,000 deaths. Thats 10,000 actual deaths from the virus itself. The rest of the deaths were the co-morbidity, they died from heart failure, stroke, renal failure, cancer etc not the virus.

    1. Anonymous6/11/2020

      So the next time the Blimp waddles out from behind that feedbag of a mask and starts babbling about data and science, and the compliant suck holes lob him softball questions, that he can't answer without deferring to the Oak Park pediatrician, who dazzles us all with her Spanish and the distraction of his sign language interpreter who dresses like Regis when he hosted "Millionaire", think about 3 months of your life that were pissed away because we were naive enough to think these career liars were on the square with us. Fool me once. As devastating as the riots were, they at least allowed us to see the competency and demeanor of the fools we put in office. Its something I'll definitely keep in mind the next election.

    2. Anonymous6/11/2020

      Google the word morbidity before you write nonsense please.

  2. Anonymous6/11/2020

    Um. You need to brush up on your math and vocabulary skills. What you wrote is nonsense.

    1. Anonymous6/11/2020

      Pritzker and his minions are nothing but democrat hacks intent on destroying America.

    2. Anonymous6/11/2020

      All true commie.....

    3. Anonymous6/11/2020

      Covid-19 is overrated open your eyes.....this is a COUP!!!

    4. Anonymous6/12/2020

      Covid-19 was actually underrated. 200,000 US deaths anticipated by September I'm hearing. Trump's task force had it right all along.
