Monday, May 18, 2020

Tucker Carlson Tonight 5/18/20


  1. Anonymous5/19/2020

    Every time there's a disclosure about the Obama administration's freewheeling trampoline of our constitutional rights of privacy, and you see the media slobbering all over him like he's the second coming of Christ I want to puke. He talked a good game but in 8 years accomplished little or nothing. He spied on citizens, reporters he didn't like, set Eric Holder loose on an unsuspecting public and shielded him from Congressional investigations into the Fast and Furious scandal. No-this guy did less than nothing. He bullshitted everyone after speaking at the 2004 DNC and the media and public ate it all up. Frankly he accomplished less than Trump with just as much, if not more ego. In addition to the intelligence agencies he weaponized, he also turned the IRS loose on the Tea Party. Beyond pride for the black community at his election, he did little for people of color. I certainly hope disclosure of his dishonesty and unethical behavior taints the construction of the Obama center. His real history isn't something to be honored or separated.

  2. Why do Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson's videos disappear from YouTube? ☹️

  3. Obama barely served as US Senator. What did Illinoisians expect? Year 1 he was just there. Year 2 was the book tour, Year 3 was presidential run. Years 4-6 were served by Roland Burris and Mark Kirk. 😑
