Monday, May 11, 2020

Is this what "Arbitrary" means?

From Second City Coppers
Both Groot and Fatass have stated that Chicago and Illinois will not reach Phase 5 of their plans without a vaccine:
  • Illinois Gov J.B. Pritzker on Sunday morning said he’s not counting on the White House to help Illinois ramp up its coronavirus testing capabilities – and he vowed that Illinois won’t see an economic reopening until the state meets “all the standards” he’s set in his phased plan.

    Speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper, the Democratic governor said states continue to “go it alone” to ramp up testing. According to a Harvard University analysis, Illinois should reach 64,000 tests a day before stay-at-home regulations are further relaxed. Pritzker last week achieved a goal of receiving more than 20,000 tests results back in one day.

    [...] “If the Chicago Tribune thinks that everybody’s going to go back to completely normal without us having a very effective treatment or a vaccine, they’re dead wrong.”
We remember weeks ago when the entire plan was to "flatten the curve." That was accomplished.

We also remember when the "goal" was 20,000 tests a day. That was done and suddenly, it's 64,000? Triple plus 4,000?

Has anyone in the media written about the number of recoveries? It crossed over the 98% mark recently, and not a single politician is saying anything about the people who test positive for antibodies, meaning they had it and beat it already without any sort of treatment.

Now Fatass is digging the final grave for the entire restaurant industry:
  • When Illinois restaurants were ordered shuttered by Gov. Pritzker in mid-March, restaurant owners, chefs and workers braced for several weeks of zero income.

    When the order was extended through April, and then May, the industry pointed to June.

    But Pritzker’s five-phase plan, announced Tuesday, set the earliest-possible day for reopening at June 26, and that date is by no means definite.

    For an industry already struggling to hang on, the news was devastating.
We read a statistic that said after the government, restaurants were the biggest employers in the State of Illinois, and they had exactly zero input into the "Phase Planning." That isn't politically intelligent at all.
I have to ask myself, what is driving Pritzker? All these proclamations and edits are not necessary for the health and welfare of the people, or are they? 

His decisions seem to be subjective. What, pray tell, is the motive behind his madness? 


  1. Mimicking NYC again I see

  2. Anonymous5/11/2020

    The Democrats are trying to keep the economy in the dumper for at least the rest of 2020 in the hopes that with a poor economy they can defeat Trump and get Sleepy Joe elected.

  3. Anonymous5/11/2020

    With JB its whichever way the political wind blows,

  4. Anonymous5/11/2020

    Prickster will keep it locked down until after july 4th.

  5. Anonymous5/11/2020

    Where was the governor this weekend? No news briefing, my money's on he took a private jet to florida to see the wife.

    1. Anonymous5/11/2020

      Good for him.

    2. Anonymous5/12/2020

      Good for him but not for the rest of us....that what you are carrying for the Democratic Party must be getting heavy by now....especially with JB involved. A flippant and useless comment like that makes me think it was from a "dyed in the wool" know the kind who blindly supports a Party morphing into the Communist revolutionary party before our very eyes...the type who would be first in line to turn over his first born as a sacrifice to Moloch or whatever the democRATS are calling their movement these days....Dont do as I as I Say...per JB

  6. Anonymous5/13/2020

    "Good for him" you must have a do nothing government job and owe your soul to some democrat sponsor, who if not for them you would be working at Burger King. What does it feel like to be that beholden to someone or a party that gave up on any type of normal social values.
