Friday, April 3, 2020

Weird dude, presidential? No way.

Eww! NY governor Andrew Cuomo has pierced nipples

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will be 63 years old this December.
Writing for Spectator USA, Cockburn noticed that photos from Cuomo’s appearance at the Javits Center on March 26, 2020, show that the governor has had his nipples pierced.
A comparison of the above enlarged pic of Cuomo’s nipples with the pic below of a man’s pierced
nipples, leaves no doubt Andrew Cuomo’s nipples indeed are pierced.
Cuomo’s nipple piercing must be a fairly recent development because he wore a very similar shirt to the New York City Pride march in June 2018 and, before that, to the West Indian Day parade in September 2016. On both occasions, as you can see in the pics below, his nipples were not pierced.
June 2018 New York City Pride march
West Indian Day parade in September 2016
According to Wikipedia, Cuomo is currently single and unattached. He divorced his wife Kerry Kennedy in 2005. He began dating Food Network host Sandra Lee in 2005 and, though a professed Catholic, cohabitated with her from 2011 to September 2019 when the couple announced they had ended their relationship.
Also from Wikipedia:
Sexual arousal created by nipple and areola stimulation is reported to be enhanced by piercing of the nipple…. As a result of a surge of information claiming sexual enhancement with a pierced nipple, there has been a reported increase of men and women requesting this procedure.
This is the man over whom the hate-Trump MSM is salivating to replace senile Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee and savior.


  1. Yeah, already saw this and believe me a ton of my friends have. This is just an infamnia for a dago,I honestly can't believe it

  2. They should do to this pansy as they did to Richard Harris in A Man Called Horse, remember the scene where they stuck a pair of eagle's claws into his breasts and then hoisted him aloft. They should do the same with this sissy, that'll teach him!

  3. Anonymous4/03/2020

    Maybe, he just has really big nipples for a man. ๐Ÿ˜

  4. Anonymous4/03/2020

    Like many Democrat pols, he is a sexual deviant. Look at Andrew Gillum AA Dem candidate for Florida found passed out nude in Fla hotel room with a male prostitute....NO coverage of that one...Or DEMONcrat congresswoman Katie Hill who resigned for relationship with her girl staff member....And of course Weiner exposed his little self to an underage teen girl....his wife (who likely is a lesbian and Killary's lover)....Obama's male "trainer" friend....I realize there are sleazy pervs on both sides of the aisle...but these people are a special kind of sick

    1. Anonymous4/03/2020

      The media covered all or most of those people, along with Aaron Schock and Dennis Hastert.

  5. Anonymous4/03/2020

    so he's a kink...

  6. Anonymous4/03/2020

    Maybe he just had it done for better ventilation

  7. Anonymous4/03/2020

    Guys a whiney fruitcake, typical democrat.

  8. Anonymous4/04/2020

    He said it was Trump’s fault

  9. Anonymous4/04/2020

    Greeks invented buggery, the Romans perfected it......

  10. Anonymous4/04/2020

    Fruit loop

  11. Anonymous4/06/2020

    Buggery has been continuous, since Sodom & Gomorrah of the Bible days. ๐Ÿคจ
