Sunday, April 26, 2020

Mayor Lightfoot says that blacks are suffering more from coronavirus due to racial inequities

Coronavirus party in Chicago last night

Perhaps, it's because of the lack of social distancing and that Lightfoot has failed to warn this community about the dangers of the virus.


  1. Anonymous4/26/2020

    Yeah thats all fine and well but one groups tendency for this virus shouldn't supersede the needs of the rest of the city. It bullshit that our police services are getting stripped away because some of the citizenry knows nothing about conflict resolution without firearms. We shouldn't be penalized for that. How did Matt vote on this?

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  2. Anonymous4/26/2020

    Of course it’s over racial inequities. It’s not due to the fact that for the most part these people are ignoring all the warnings about how to stay safe. And how they shouldn’t be sharing the same bottle of Ripple or 40’s with 5-6 other people. Or maybe when they are having their 2:00 AM parties that perhaps their kids shouldn’t be there, and the list just keeps going on and on how being black is the reason for them getting the virus at a higher rate than others

  3. Anonymous4/26/2020

    Always someone else’s fault

  4. Anonymous4/26/2020

    Is Lightfoot the mayor for all the people or just some of the people?

    1. Anonymous4/27/2020

      Black Caucus is racist!

  5. Anonymous4/26/2020

    It's a fire hazard too. 😠☠️

  6. Anonymous4/26/2020

    It could be a reboot of Kid N Play's 'House Party'. 😝

  7. Anonymous4/26/2020

    They havin a fan tam.

  8. Anonymous4/26/2020

    Ok, there's a bunch out there that will tie race to everything and there's always some blame game linkage. Let's review the current virus guidelines. 1) Stay inside 2) Practice Social Distancing 3)Wash your hands frequently 4)avoid touching your face.

    Beyond that, news reports show statistics that most fatalities associated with this disease happen to people with underlying health issues like diabetes, heart issues, hypertension or poor diet. Those particular health issues are linked to lifestyle and diet. So that being said, fatty and cholesterol laden diets, fried foods, etc are food choices made by certain groups within the community. Smoking, alcohol and other substance abuse also come into play. All of these mentioned components are matters of choice. Public education and medical advice are there for the asking. I could sit here and say I didn't tell Governor Pringles what to have for breakfast, breakfast, lunch, lunch, lunch and dinner. These are all matters of choice. If you want to compromise your health by continuing your lifestyle choices, those aren't things that should be used as a divisive measure to favor one group over another. You want to drink, smoke, eat, sit, etc, those are your choices, not matters of race. So Mayor Lightfoot, now that you pouted your way through you Council Meeting hissy fit and exploited political correctness to bullshit the cowardly alderman into allowing you sole use of taxpayer dollars, are we to expect you to spend it all on your favored communities with this bs being your rationale. To this I have to offer a huge EFF YOU!

  9. Anonymous4/26/2020

    Tired of her bullying? Check this out:

  10. Anonymous4/26/2020

    This is the same group that seems to get a disproportionate amount of STDs, AIDS and leads all other groups in out of wedlock babies, is that our fault to or is it about bad choices?

  11. Anonymous4/27/2020

    Wait lets see Attorney General, Chicago Mayor, Cook County Board President, State's Attorney, Cook County Clerk, Clerk of Circuit Court, Chief Judge, Chicago Police Superintendent, and Fire Commissioner are all black but there is still racial inequities?

  12. Anonymous4/27/2020

    Were living in a real life Idiocracy now

  13. Anonymous4/27/2020

    Well after watching the video a reasonable person can only come to one conclusion, it’s whitey’s fault again. I’m sure it was a nefarious white plot to throw this party & inviting all the the black folks to it so they would be exposed to the virus"......wait until warmer weather hits!

  14. Looks like perhaps it may be just the time to wall off certain areas of the city and suburbs. Toss over all the food,liquor,drugs & guns one would think would be enough for 6 weeks or so. Then for good measure wait another week,then come in with bulldozers and back hoes to clean up the carnage and Voila! urban renewal begins

  15. Anonymous4/27/2020

    When temps reach into the 70's and 80's everything will go up for grabs. Extending the sheltering in place gives reason for the Democrats to stall or delay their convention and keep senile Joe in his basement practicing speaking in sentences, complete with commas and periods.

  16. Anonymous4/27/2020

    Graduates of the Chicago Public Schools.

  17. Anonymous4/27/2020

    this has been occurring since the orders were put in place, ask any of your police/fire neighbors that work on the east and west side they will affirm this.

    Where is the news media last 5 weeks on reporting this you ask?????
    It is the news that are complicent with the mayor and county board presidents request NOT to highlight this, for the good of the community .

  18. Anonymous4/27/2020

    What kind of party was that? Where's the alcohol, drugs, dancing, graffiti, broken furniture, etc.? It's mostly 1,000 people and folks standing. 🀫🀐

  19. Anonymous4/27/2020

    I used to work in a large County Office with a lot of Black employees. I couldn't get over what a high percentage of them had asthma.

    1. Anonymous4/28/2020

      diabetes and high blood pressure too

  20. Anonymous4/27/2020

    The partiers wanted to perform Kriss Kross' "Jump, Jump" on furniture and cars. 😁

  21. Anonymous4/27/2020

    State Representative Fran Hurley is distributing "Stay Home, Stay Alive" signs, for windows and gardens. πŸ˜ƒ

    Beverly Review
    April 21, 2020

  22. Anonymous4/28/2020

    Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama says "When they go low, we go higher". πŸ˜ƒ

  23. Anonymous4/28/2020

    State Representative LaShawn KaShawn Ford says the partiers and owner shouldn't be fined, according to a TMZ post. ☹️😾

    The party house isn't located in Ford's State Rep District. πŸ˜”

  24. Anonymous4/28/2020

    Oops. State Representative LaShawn KaShawn Ford didn't want the owner and partiers fined. πŸ˜‘

    Another TMZ video of the party showed a fat stripper removing money off the floor. ☹️

  25. Anonymous4/29/2020

    Double bad, punished, not fined. 🀫🀐

    How does LaShawn Ford know so much about a house party house he lives nowhere near to, nor represents? 😁

    SNL Church Lady asks "Was it Satan"? πŸ˜ˆπŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒπŸ‘―
