Friday, April 24, 2020

Downtown Brown

Not even a day on the job and Brown is introduced to the realities of Chicago politics:
  • The honeymoon didn’t last long.

    Just one day after he was sworn in as the new leader of the Chicago Police Department, Supt. David Brown found himself apologizing to several aldermen from the North and Northwest sides for a plan that took dozens of officers from their wards Wednesday and shipped them to the West Side to curb gun crime and help enforce the state’s stay-at-home order.


  1. Anonymous4/24/2020

    Dey wudnt doon nuffin anyway 👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️👮‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️

  2. Anonymous4/24/2020

    This isn't new. Been going on for 50 years.

  3. Does anyone think Brown cares? He's got a double pension coming from Dallas,he'll knock down close to 1 million dollars by the time he's forced out of this job. I think he'll take a little Aldermanic baiting just fine.He'll just sit back for the next 3 years or so and be Larry's lackey and laugh all the way to the bank

  4. Anonymous4/24/2020

    Did the same in 22, watch the burglaries go up when you leave the district shorthanded.
