Saturday, April 18, 2020

Don Harmon is so full of s---

Illinois Senate Democrats Seek Massive Federal Bailout for State, Going Far Beyond Coronavirus Impact – Wirepoints

April 17, 2020

By: Mark Glennon and Ted Dabrowski

Wirepoints has obtained a copy of a letter detailing a federal bailout request sent by Illinois Senate President Don Harmon (D-Chicago) in substantially similar form to all members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation. The letter, which is reproduced below, was sent on April 14 on behalf of Harmon’s 40-member Democratic caucus, which holds a majority in the Illinois Senate.

The requested bailout is galling in scope and shameless in purpose – a clear attempt to use the pandemic as cover to get federal money to pay for Illinois’ pre-pandemic fiscal mismanagement, particularly of its pensions.

The Democratic caucus seeks well over $41.6 billion, including important crisis-related relief such as $1 billion in public-health aid to minority communities and unspecified amounts for increased Medicaid reimbursements and hardship payments to health care facilities.

But the vast majority of their request amounts to a national bailout of Illinois’ pre-pandemic failures. It includes:
$15 billion for a no-strings-attached block grant;
$6 billion for the state’s unemployment trust fund;
$10 billion for the state’s pension funds; and,
$9.6 billion in unrestricted aid to Illinois municipalities, again for pensions.

The $15 billion for the state is more than double the state’s projected losses caused by the pandemic and downturn, depending on how you count it. Gov. J.B. Pritzker released estimateson Wednesday. Pritzker said total budget shortfalls for this year and next total $6.2 billion, assuming the state’s pending constitutional amendment to allow for a progressive tax increase passes in November. Harmon’s letter claims revenue losses could exceed $14.1 billion, without explanation for the difference with Pritzker’s numbers.

Also notable is that the $6 billion bailout for Illinois’ unemployment trust fund stems from the state’s comparatively poor management of it. Illinois, prior to the pandemic, had the fourth-worstfunding level for that state fund.

The new bailout would be in addition to federal assistance already authorized by Congress and the Federal Reserve Bank. They include, for Illinois, approximately $4.9 billion under the new CARES Act and about $9.6 billion in a new Federal Reserve facility to purchase municipal bonds.

Chicago may also be seeking its own federal bailout money separately.

The biggest intended beneficiary of the requested bailout is obvious from the letter: pensions.

Harmon and the Democratic caucus admit that even in a normal year pension costs at the state level are crowding out funding for services and programs, yet they show no intention whatsoever of making reforms to correct preexisting problems. Instead, they seek $10 billion for state pensions alone. And the rationale for the $9.6 billion sought for municipalities is clear. Revenue losses resulting from the pandemic, their letter says, “will dramatically impact municipalities’ abilities to fund retirement systems.”

Illinois government spent the last three decades creating the nation’s worst pension crisis. Now it wants taxpayers across the nation to bail it out.

No word yet on how the delegation members have responded to the letter.

Read more about how Illinois politicians created the nation’s worst pension crisis:
Overpromising has crippled public pensions: A 50-state survey – Special Report
Illinois pension plans were running out of cash long before the Coronavirus hit
Moody’s new report shows Illinois is nation’s outlier when it comes to pension debts
Illinois state pensions: Overpromised, not underfunded – Special Report
Coronavirus impact may push Illinois state pension debt to over $300 billion
Illinoisans overwhelmed by a ‘shadow mortgage’ of pension debts


  1. Anonymous4/18/2020

    They thumb their nose at federal law by legalizing weed and being a sanctuary state, time for the federal government to tell Illinois politicians no money for you.

  2. Anonymous4/18/2020

    Cut the big pensions to $100,000 cap that is what is killing all these pension funds supposed to retire with dignity not live like a king!

    1. Anonymous4/20/2020

      All the top pensions in Education too the teachers don't get paid enough lol look at those University Administrators $500,000+ pension.

    2. I'm surprised you haven't been rooted out of your house yet and beaten. If muni & state pensions get cut you'll see the 19th Ward turn into Engelwood over night

  3. Anonymous4/18/2020

    How much money in all these TIF Districts? Spend them first!

  4. Anonymous4/18/2020

    I don't care how or from who we get financial assistance, the alternative of Illinois tax payers coming up with the funds would be catastrophic tax increases, we would all be living in poverty, we may all be living in poverty anyway.

  5. Anonymous4/18/2020

    So all these incompetent boobs, get on television at every opportunity, thumb their nose at Trump, kick him in the balls on CNN, ignore federal guidelines regarding ICE detainers, and then try to play "who's got the old maid" by sticking Trump with the bill for their incompetence. And while they're at it, lets throw in a few more goodies to their districts. God I hate these people.

  6. Anonymous4/18/2020

    Don Harmon is a great west suburban state senator and Irish American. 😀😁

  7. Anonymous4/20/2020

    Open the pensions to all IL residents everyone contributes 16%!

  8. Anonymous4/20/2020

    so question, Illinois has been pretty much fiscally insolvent for last 20 years, they survive on late payments and under funding pensions and government services, differed maintenance on infrastructure (how are our local roads and bridges doing?), departments, kind of like kiting checks. do you honestly believe that if Pritzker gets his "fair tax" referendum to allow the "state legislature" to control our income tax levy, the amount attributed to your payroll tax, that they will NOT raise a majority of the payroll tax? to cover their pork??

  9. Anonymous4/20/2020

    Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is reading stories online to kids, because she cares so very much. 🤗

    Michelle says "When they go low, we go higher". 😃

  10. Anonymous4/20/2020

    Tax the pensions now! I don't even get a pension get to work until I die.
