Saturday, December 21, 2019

Preckwinkle needs to go, encourages and harbors nepotism

has proven to be a very poor manager

Preckwinkle also was asked about her friend, former Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios. The Sun-Times reported earlier this week that federal investigators are
looking at Berrios and his political organization.
“This is a kind of difficult period in our history," Preckwinkle told reporters. "Yesterday the president was impeached. And a number of our local elected officials are under investigation. Any investigation of our public officials is troubling. Throughout my political career, where investigations have yielded indictments, guilty pleas or convictions, I’ve spoken out and I will continue to do so.
"This is all pretty discouraging and we have to lead by example. But I want to be clear, once again, our system states that people are innocent until proven guilty. I say that all the time about young black and brown men that get enmeshed in our criminal justice system and I should say that now as well. I want to be careful in not prejudging people on the basis of rumors or speculation.”
History: Even when Berrios made headlines over hiring family and friends onto the county payroll, Preckwinkle — who said she’s not a fan of nepotism — remained loyal to Berrios.


  1. Large Tom12/22/2019

    the way it appears, when Donald Trump said 'WE' are draining the swamp, and im hearing there is well over 100,000 sealed indictments about to unseal, a good majority will undoubtedly headed Illinois way. its part of the darkness to light theory. we shall see. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all

    1. Anonymous12/23/2019

      Who do you think gets it?

  2. Anonymous12/22/2019

    Prekwinkle is great.

  3. Anonymous12/22/2019

    She is continuing the tradition of George Dunne, Richard Phelan, John Stroger, Bobbie Steele and Todd Stroger.

    1. Man I forgot about Richard Phelan

    2. Anonymous12/23/2019

      Understandable because he only served one term, before running for governor.

  4. Anonymous12/22/2019

    Cook County=Political Hack

  5. Pretty much just like every other elected Democrat in this city,county, she will have the job as long as she wants it. Everyone only complains but does nothing come election day

    1. Anonymous12/23/2019

      Election Day doesn't bring much choices. A Republican would be more of the same too.

  6. Anonymous12/23/2019

    Should of had O'Brien!

    1. Anonymous12/24/2019

      Your right but the powers to be will never let us choose. They plant people in races to split the vote. Feorretti entered the States Attorney race to split the vote with Conway. Soros and his political operation are going to destroy this city more than what it is.

  7. Anonymous12/24/2019

    Why is her son not being arrested and Cook County Judges Not Guilty Bench trials keep dismissing cases against him with prejudice?

    1. Anonymous12/25/2019

      Da Machine at work!!
