Wednesday, December 11, 2019

May be knocked off ballot

fraudulent signatures etc. stay tuned


  1. Anonymous12/11/2019


  2. Anonymous12/11/2019

    This would really be criminal justice reform. I hope there is some truth to this.

  3. Anonymous12/11/2019

    They passed her ballot around our firehouse 4 times. She probably received 2000 bad signatures from 8 guys.

  4. Anonymous12/11/2019

    I got 5 bucks says dat broad can peel an orange wit her feet.

    1. Probably eat an ear of corn through a picket fence too

  5. Anonymous12/12/2019

    Flip the ballot upside down, thwn vote from the top down

  6. Although I'd love to see it, it just ain't going to happen folks

  7. Anonymous12/12/2019

    The real takeaway with this states attorney is she's part of a frightening trend thats spread across the country. Her campaign, along with states attorneys from New York, Philadelphia, SanFrancisco, LosAngeles and other metropolitan US cities have funding from left wing Socialist Billionaire George Soros. His "Open Society" foundation has funded leftist groups along with these government offices, on a local level to upset our criminal justice system. His funding of social upheaval leftist activist groups has many of us scratching our heads. The likes of AOC and her "squad" ideas to turn our country into some socialist bastion will cause the utter collapse of banking and financial institutions. Many economists are pointing at Venezuela as an example of a country that 10 years ago was one of the wealthiest countries on the planet that went socialist with Hugo Chavez and today is in total chaos. Industry at a stand-still, food supplies are scarce and an economy that's in the toilet. Soros activities came close to disrupting the economy in Great Britain years ago, all the while he profited from it. Ironically, we're seeing this social upheaval in our colleges and university. Examples at the Harvard/Yale football game climate change demonstration and recent demonstrations at Northwestern when former US Atty Jeff Sessions came for a speaking engagement. Our liberties and free speech are under assault. And the likes of Kim Foxx, Preckwinkle and sadly our Sheriff are at fault. Every day hardened criminals are set free with low bails and sentences of probation. Please pay attention to what's going on around us. Newspapers and television are no longer guardians of the fourth estate. I'd encourage all of you to check out They report crime the Tribune and Sun Times would never publish. They tell us, specifically, who the police have arrested and the judges that cut them loose on personal recognizance bonds to only have them commit forcible felonies while still out on bale. Its time we wake up to what the likes of this states attorney are doing to those of us who don't live in gated communities. We owe it to our seniors as well as our children to do all we can to protect them, which is something these leftist politicians could give a damn about.

    1. CWB is a terrific site. They also do a great job publishing the names of the judges who give out these ridiculously low bonds,home monitor, & I-Bonds

    2. Anonymous12/12/2019


    3. Anonymous12/12/2019

      The “long poster” scares me. I never read it.

    4. Anonymous12/12/2019

      That boo boo gots a smelly hairy Vijayjay.

  8. Anonymous12/12/2019

    Just the thought of it makes Jussie Smollett's sphincter pucker.

  9. Anonymous12/13/2019

    How's Lipinski voting on the Trump impeachment?

    1. Anonymous12/14/2019

      It will be interesting to see, I believe he votes to impeach.
