Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Jane Fonda at it again

Hanoi Jane says she’s not buying anymore clothes to fight climate change

Immediately after saying that she goes on to say that it may not be reasonable to say she will never buy clothing again in her life. “I’m going to live to 100, maybe.” she joked.
Later, Fonda told NPR she’s “not buying anymore clothes. Period.
Wonder if Hanoi Jane can commit to saying the same about flying via private jet?
Fonda and fellow libtards flying via private jet in 2018 to promote a movie


  1. Anonymous11/12/2019

    What about her limos???

    What about her private jet rides???

    What about her multiple residences using grid power???

    1. What about her posing for pictures on the NVA anti aircraft weapon!

    2. Anonymous11/14/2019

      She apologized for that.

  2. Anonymous11/12/2019

    I wish the media would stop wasting ink and air time to post her views. who cares what she thinks.

  3. Anonymous11/12/2019

    Why she cares bout global warming? she 80 years old it's going to be really hot soon for her traitor bitch
