Monday, November 4, 2019

Dogs outnumber children in San Francisco and Chicago

Google’s dog-friendly policies extend to all of its 70 offices, in countries including Belgium, Denmark, Israel, Russia, and Brazil.

Winnie Kenney, who moved to San Francisco from Nashville earlier this year, works at Google’s campus in downtown San Francisco. That’s nice for two reasons: she doesn’t have to commute 90 minutes each way to Mountain View on a Taylor-Swift-tour-size bus, and the Embarcadero is just across the street, offering sublime views and a two-acre park.
After lunch, Googlers like Winnie escape from the glass-enclosed conference rooms and are reminded of why they live here. They hit the salty 70-degree air clad in what’s known as Pata-Gucci: puffy base layers, stretchy cargoes, and shoes made from recycled plastic bottles, toting pinging phones, rainbow-striped Google badges, and low-key optimism. Winnie has the badge and a super-positive outlook, but not a phone, because she doesn’t have thumbs. She’s a dog, in fact. More precisely, she’s a Doogler.

Dogs at Work: A Love Story

Twenty years ago, a Leonberger named Yoshka was Google’s first Doogler. The champion show dog, who died in 2012, belonged to Urs Hölzle, Google’s eighth employee and senior vice-president for technical engineering. Yoshka was the subject of a blog and kept an office on the third floor. Today, a popular café on Google’s Mountain View campus is named after him, and he’s remembered as a true stud. (In fact, his lineage lives on.) He paved the way for a tech culture that is less dog-friendly and more dogs-nearly-everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11/04/2019

    And even though the canine population exceeds the nexf generation of humans, the streets are filled with more shit from the homeless humans than from dogs.
