Friday, October 18, 2019

Why does Hillary care so much?

will be the 2020 Democratic nominee
'Russian asset' groomed to ensure Trump reelection, according to Hillary

by Tim Pearce

Hillary Clinton said that Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is being groomed by Moscow to run as a third-party spoiler candidate in 2020 to help President Trump win reelection.

The former secretary of state pushed the theory on Campaign HQ podcast hosted by David Plouffe,
President Barack Obama’s campaign manager in 2008.

Plouffe and Clinton discussed hurdles the Democratic nominee would face and compared the 2020 race to Clinton’s loss to Trump in 2016. Plouffe asked Clinton about the part third-party candidates, such as Jill Stein of the Green Party, played in 2016, allowing Trump to secure key states.

"They are also going to do third party again," Clinton, 71, said. "I'm not making any predictions, but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate," Clinton said, referring to Gabbard, without mentioning the Hawaii representative by name.

"She is a favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far. That's assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not because she is also a Russian asset.

"They know they can't win without a third-party candidate, and so I do not know who it's going to be, but I can guarantee you they will have a vigorous third-party challenge in the key states that they most need it."


  1. Anonymous10/18/2019

    Why does she care so much? Because her and Bill are Megalomaniacs.

  2. Anonymous10/19/2019

    If you called HRC, the C word, it wouldn't be libel or slander. Truth is the absolute defense to both.

  3. Anonymous10/19/2019

    Hillary is better than Donald.

    1. Anonymous10/19/2019

      Abetter thief

    2. Anonymous10/20/2019

      Agree, but still better governmentally.

    3. Anonymous10/21/2019

      She is physically sick. She could not even campaign the last time....she got "overheated" at the 9-11 memorial service and was wearing some heavy coat (to conceal something) on that day...a guy from Poland secretly videotaped her collapsing....she did not campaign nearly as hard as Trump, and she never visited Wisconsin even ONCE! She is a war mongering grifter. She has spent her entire professional life virtually in some form of "public service"...her andher husband ran a phony "Foundation" that was raking in multi million dollar contributions from foreign government while she was Sec of State....ALL of which dried up immediately after she LOST in 2016. America dodged a bullet with her and Trump has destroyed ISIS, created over 3.5 million middle class jobs, yes middle class jobs, and brought back factories and manufacturing that both her and Obumbler said were gone for good. Black unemp. lowest since 1970s, Hispanic unemployment lowest since records have been kept and unempl. rate for ALL lowest in nearly 50 YEARS !!! Yeah Clinton MIGHT be better if you are a Democrat from the 19th Ward and you kiss the ring of the Democrats who give you your job. She sucks for everyone else.

    4. Anonymous10/21/2019

      Trump hasn't accomplished any or much of the above mentioned items.

  4. Anonymous10/20/2019

    Hillary sho is purdy.
