Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Trump Mercilessly Mocks Jussie Smollett in Chicago Speech


  1. Anonymous10/30/2019

    Off topic-this just read in the Tribune: "Former President Barack Obama says presidential center will transform South Side and become 'a university for activism and social change'

    Yeah, every gymnasium attached to a golf course with a branch of the Chicago Public Library thrown in becomes a university for activism and social change" If that isn't the biggest crock of BS, I don't know what is.

  2. Anonymous10/30/2019

    And here's a quote from former first lady Michelle Obama, voted one of the most admired woman on the planet for the last several years, “I want to remind white folks that y’all were running from us. And you’re still running,” Obama said, comparing the situation to what immigrant families arrive in neighborhoods are experiencing today.
    She went on to say there wasn't any "gang activity" that may have precipitated white flight in the South Shore neighborhood. She must not have noticed any of that El Rukn or P-Stone Nation graffiti that decorated viaducts and abandoned buildings in the area, Y'all.

    1. Or that South Shore is regularly in Chicago's top ten of most violent neighborhoods

    2. Anonymous10/30/2019

      They were running from us for good reason. The proof is in the pudding. South Shore got real dangerous real quick. She should ask her Jewish friends what is was like before and after her peeps moved in.

  3. Anonymous10/30/2019

    The Southmoor Hotel was the Blackstone Rangers headquarters. How could she miss that? All the eye doctors musta jumped ship when the crime made the area unlivable and she must not have been able to see what was going on in her hood.

  4. Anonymous10/30/2019

    This whole debacle was orchestrated by the chocolate Jesus himself....
