Dick’s destroys $5 million worth of “assault weapons”
Amanda Wood s from the NY Post reports that Dick’s turned $5 million worth of “assault weapons” into scrap metal. From her report:
“Ed Stack, who has been the CEO and chairman of the chain since 1984, told “CBS News Sunday” how he came to the controversial decision.
“I said, ‘You know what? If we really think these things should be off the
street, then we need to destroy them,’ ” he said.
The billionaire businessman discusses the move — what he calls his “toughest business decision” — also in his book “It’s How We Play the Game: Build a Business. Take a Stand. Make a Difference,” which goes on sale Tuesday.
“Despite being a gun owner himself who’d grown up around firearms, Ed’s strategy included destroying the $5 million of assault-style-type rifles then in DICK’s inventor,” says a summary of the book on Amazon. “It was a profit-risking policy that would earn the outrage of some — even threats of harm — but turn Ed into a national hero.”
Dick’s was one of the biggest national sellers of firearms until 2012, when 20 students and six adults were slaughtered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
Afterward, Stack ordered all AR-15 rifles — similar to the one used by the gunman in the massacre — removed from every Dick’s Sporting Goods store nationwide. “All we were going to do was just take it off the shelf and not say anything,” the CEO told CBS.
But when 17 people were slaughtered at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, last year, that was the last straw for Stack. “We found out that we sold this kid a shotgun,” Stack said. “That’s when I said, ‘We’re done.’
“Even though it wasn’t the gun he used, it could have been,” he said.
The retail giant announced that it would not sell any guns to anyone under age 21 going forward — and quietly reduced its remaining $5 million inventory of assaulting weapons into scrap metal, Stack said.”
See also:
CEO Ed Stack is okay with Dick’s Sporting Goods’ $150M loss from gun control stance
Pro-gun control Dick’s Sporting Goods sales down 4%; will close 35 stores
What do you know: Dick’s Sporting Goods misses 2nd quarter sales expectations
Pro-gun control Dick’s Sporting Goods sales down 4%; will close 35 stores
What do you know: Dick’s Sporting Goods misses 2nd quarter sales expectations
Better than Drudge Report. Check out Whatfinger News, the Internet’s conservative frontpage founded by ex-military!
Having a dog can prolong your life
Dennis Thompson reports for HealthDay News, Oct. 8, 2019, that a pair of new studies of the available medical evidence found that dog owners have a lower risk of early death than people without canine companionship, particularly when it comes to dying from a heart attack or stroke.
Both reports were published Oct. 8 in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.
The two studies are:
- A study led by r. Caroline Kramer, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada, which reviewed data for more than 3.8 million people taken from 10 separate studies.
- A Swedish study using data from the Swedish National Patient Register.
- Dog ownership decreases a person’s overall risk of premature death by 24%.
- The benefit of dog ownership is most pronounced in people with existing heart problems. Dog owners had a 65% reduced risk of death following a heart attack and a 31% reduced risk of death from heart disease.
- Heart attack and stroke victims who own dogs have a lower risk of dying, particularly if they live alone:
- Owning a dog reduced a heart attack patient’s risk of death by 33% if they live alone, and 15% if they live with a partner or child.
- Owning a dog reduced a stroke survivor’s risk of death by 12% for those living with someone.
- In the Swedish study, Dr. Mwenya Mubanga of Uppsala University and her colleagues combed Sweden’s patient database for all people aged 40 to 85 who had had a heart attack or stroke from 2001 through 2012. The investigators identified more than 181,000 heart attack victims, about 6% of whom owned a dog, and nearly 155,000 stroke survivors, of whom 5% owned a dog. Everyone who owned a dog had a reduced risk of death compared to those without a dog, but that risk was doubly reduced in people who lived alone versus those living with another person.
(1) Exercise:
Dr. Kramer said part of the benefit is likely due to the physical activity that comes with having a dog. In fact, she undertook the research after noticing changes in her own behavior after she adopted her a miniature schnauzer named Romeo. Dr. Kramer said: “At the time when I started work on this, I’d had my dog for a year and I noticed that I was walking way more. There’s a lot of evidence that people who have dogs walk way more. Their degree of physical exercise is much more.”
(2) Companionship:
Previous research has found that dog owners tend to have lower blood pressure, healthier cholesterol levels and less stress. Dr. Kramer said one study discovered that “the act of petting a dog reduces blood pressure as much as medication to treat hypertension.”
Dr. Dhruv Kazi, associate director of the Smith Center for Outcomes Research in Cardiology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, said: “My own hypothesis is that the biggest driver of this is what dog ownership does for one’s mental health.” Kazi said isolation and loneliness have been linked to poor heart health outcomes, and owning a dog appears to ease a person’s solitude enough to have a real benefit, which explains why people who live by themselves seemed to derive more benefits from dog ownership.
However, Kazi agrees that there are also physical benefits from having a dog because “If you own a dog, it doesn’t matter how tired you are or how cold out it is, you still have to go for a walk. That’s what you have to do.”
See also “Hearts of dogs and their owners beat in sync“.
Drudge Report has gone to the dark side. Check out Whatfinger News, the Internet’s conservative frontpage founded by a military veteran!
We have a winner!
. . . for FOTM’s 209th Caption Contest!
The writers of FOTM voted for what each considered to be the best (#1) and second-best (#2) captions. Each #1 vote is worth 4 points; a #2 vote is worth 2 points.
And the winner of the 209th FOTM Caption Contest, with two #1 votes and one #2 vote, totaling 10 points, is . . .
Here is the winning caption:
“What happens when Beto tests out his new gun confiscation plan.”
galmend and Marcia Walsh are in second place, each with two #1 votes and 8 points. Here are their captions:
galmend: “It’s time for the new game show, ‘Whack a Commie!'”Marcia Walsh: “How’d you like a nice hawaiian punch?”
William is in 3rd place, with one #1 vote and one #2 vote, totaling 6 points. Here is his caption:
This must be that “reality” that I keep hearing about. This never happened in mom’s basement.
Richard Ostergard is in 4th place, with two #2 votes, totaling 4 points:
Wake up call for Stupid!
greenworxx, Jackie Puppet, and YouKnowWho are in 5th place, each with one #2 vote and two points. Here are their captions:
greenworxx: “Reality hurts!!”Jackie Puppet: “Between this, and Bernie vs. the speed bag, I’m endlessly entertained!”YouKnowWho: “Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down”
Congratulations, Dave!
Here is your super-duper Award of Excellence, all ready for framing!
For all the other caption submissions, go here.
Be here tomorrow for our next, very exciting Caption Contest!
The shadow knows….
H/t John Molloy
Drudge Report has gone to the dark side. Check out Whatfinger News, the Internet’s conservative frontpage founded by a military veteran!
Demorats taking extreme measures to hide whistleblower’s identity
Now I know why they want to protect this whistleblower’s identity as I’ve uncovered their photo:
Better than Drudge Report. Check out Whatfinger News, the Internet’s conservative frontpage founded by ex-military!
Ilhan Omar blames media, political foes for killing her marriage
Being a demorat means never having to take personal responsibility.
From NY Post: US Rep. Ilhan Omar suggested Monday that the press and her political foes are partly to blame for the demise of her marriage.
“Ilhan and Ahmed have been the object of speculation and innuendo from political opponents and the media,” according to a statement from her lawyer, referring to the Minnesota congresswoman and her husband, Ahmed Hirsi, and which the rep said he was issuing “on behalf” of Omar.
“This has taken a significant toll on Ilhan, Ahmed, and their three children. As with all marriages, this is intensely personal and a difficult time for their family,” the statement added.
“Just like any other family navigating this kind of transition, Ilhan wishes to have their privacy respected for themselves and their children and will not be commenting any further.”
Omar filed for divorce from Hirsi on Friday in Minneapolis.
The filing was submitted less than two months after a Washington, DC, mom and doctor accused Omar in court papers of having an affair with her husband, political consultant Tim Mynett.
Mynett and Omar
Friday’s divorce filing from Omar came about an hour before the Mynetts’ first hearing in their own marital split was postponed.
The Mynetts’ hearing was slated for Monday morning, but court papers were filed around 3 p.m. Friday to postpone it. An hour earlier, Omar had filed for divorce from her husband.
Better than Drudge Report. Check out Whatfinger News, the Internet’s conservative frontpage founded by ex-military!
How’s that gun control working in Washington State after stricter laws implemented?
In June of this year I questioned how Washington State’s new gun laws were working.
Turns out the criminals don’t care about gun laws as I noted that Seattle had more than one reported shooting a day somewhere in the city during the month of May.
June wasn’t so better either with a rash of shootings.
This past weekend, Washington State’s gun control laws didn’t stop the criminals as there were four separate shootings in King County. Read about the shootings here.
This past weekend, Washington State’s gun control laws didn’t stop the criminals as there were four separate shootings in King County. Read about the shootings here.
Better than Drudge Report. Check out Whatfinger News, the Internet’s conservative frontpage founded by ex-military!
Fauxcahontas Elizabeth Warren caught in another lie
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts), the fake Native American, has elbowed out Bernie Sanders, her chief rival for the Demonrat Party’s most “liberal” voters. Sanders ‘ heart attack last week didn’t help.
Warren is now running neck and neck with frontrunner Joe Biden. The RealClearPolitics polling average shows her trailing Biden by just 0.3% nationally and leading him by 2.7% in Iowa.
Warren had claimed Native American, specifically Cherokee, heritage. But the results of a DNA test showed she actually has minimal Cherokee ancestry, which forced her to issue a public apology for taking the test in the first place, but not for falsely claiming she is a Cherokee.
Now, another lie of Warren is uncovered.
Warren’s has become a cornerstone of her stump speeches. She has used it to both explain her jump from teaching into the legal world as well as to showcase the difficulties that women face in the workplace.
Collin Anderson reports for the Washington Free Beacon, Oct. 7, 2019, that a cornerstone of Elizabeth Warren’s stump speeches is her claim that like other women, she had faced discrimination in the workplace. Warren claims that she was dismissed after her first year of teaching (1970-71) as a speech pathologist at Riverdale Elementary School in New Jersey because she was pregnant. She said that the principal of the school “showed [her] the door” at the end of the school year because she was “visibly pregnant.”
Journalist Meagan Day of Jacobin magazine was skeptical, pointing out that Warren’s story had changed over the years. In a 2007 interview Warren gave at the University of California-Berkeley she said she had left her teaching job because of the graduate school classes required for her to obtain a teaching certificate:
“I went back to graduate school and took a couple of courses in education and said, ‘I don’t think this is going to work out for me’. I was pregnant with my first baby, so I had a baby and stayed home for a couple of years, and I was really casting about, thinking, ‘What am I going to do?’ My husband’s view of it was, ‘Stay home. We have children, we’ll have more children, you’ll love this.’ And I was very restless about it.”
But in 2013, a year after she was sworn in as a U.S. senator, Warren sang an entirely different tune in her book, A Fighting Chance. She wrote:
By the end of the school year, I was pretty obviously pregnant. The principal did what I think a lot of principals did back then—wished me good luck, didn’t ask me back the next school year, and hired someone else for the job.
But minutes of Riverdale Board of Education meeting obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show that, instead of firing Warren for being pregnant, the board had tried to retain her:
- Minutes of an April 21, 1971, Riverdale Board of Education meeting show that the board had voted unanimously on a motion to extend Warren a “2nd year” contract for a two-days-per-week teaching job, is similar to the one she had the previous year, her first year of teaching.
- Minutes from a school board meeting held two months later on June 16, 1971, indicate that Warren had resigned from the school, effective June 30, 1971, and that the board “accepted with regret” her resignation.
Warren’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment on the board of education records.
Elizabeth Warren is not just a Fauxcahontas, she’s also a Liarwatha.
If anyone should be impeached, it’s Senator Elizabeth Warren, the pathological liar.
Drudge Report has gone to the dark side. Check out Whatfinger News, the Internet’s conservative frontpage founded by a military veteran.
Posted in 2020 Election, Bernie Sanders, Congress, Joe Biden, liberal hypocrisy, Liberals/Democrats/Left, United States
Tagged Elizabeth Warren
The Democrats’ Existential Imperative for (at least theoretical) Impeachment
Impeach President Trump for Russian collusion; for emoluments; for obstruction of justice. Now for Ukraine (and Australia and China and then (?). Adam Schiff and his fellow Democrats and Deep Staters’ impeachment jihad could be viewed as obsessed, crazy – perhaps even comedic, as they (and Adam Schiff in particular) increasingly resemble Wile E. Coyote futilely chasing the Road Runner.
But even crazy and obsessed people can be rational in their machinations. What if the Deep State swamp crocodiles fully recognize that it is unlikely that they’ll succeed in removing President Trump from office through impeachment, yet still persist? Is there a method to their madness? Yes.
True, they desperately want to take out President Trump, and dare not rely upon the electoral process plus whatever voter fraud they can muster to accomplish that for them. So impeachment is their offensive element, and remains their best-case scenario. Still, after Mueller belly-flopped, they must have finally realized (if not before) that a successful impeachment and removal from office is highly unlikely, if not impossible.
But there is also a defensive element. They have to surmise that Trump’s declassifications, and (let us pray) DOJ indictments will occur between the release of the Inspector General’s report and the 2020 election. So they also require a defensive strategy well before the election. The Democrats can, and are, simultaneously playing both offense and defense.