Friday, September 20, 2019

Varsity Football vs. Marist Tonight


  1. Anonymous9/17/2019

    off topic, but closer to home;

    So today I receive a letter from my mortgage lender informing me the because of property tax increases they forecast a shortage in my escrow funds for insurance and taxes. As such, I need to cough up almost $2500 to offset the escrow shortage and once that is paid, my mortgage will now increase about $140 per month. So from this day forward, my mortgage will increase by $330. per month. For what? So Lori can let the underserved skate on their parking fines, their delinquent water bills, helping the underprivileged pay their heating bills? Why? She's the messenger bringing the bad news. I look at all this bullshit and think about that fucker Vanecko going to the pension board to take $64 million to piss away on a real estate venture. Then I think about how he knew who to talk to make those "loans"/investments possible. Then I think about him paying himself $9 million management fees to lose all that money, and then that stuttering prick uncle pretending he didn't know anything about it, even though 2 of his cabinet members sit on each of the city's 4 pension boards. Throw in the cavalier way in which the City gave the pensions a huge 20 year plus fuck you on making their contributions to the funds and to ice the cake, think about Vanecko giving Bill "no excuses" Daley a $25K campaign contribution but not ONCE making any effort to reimburse the fund for the $64 million he pissed away. So its come full circle. Its like Fast Eddie Vrydolyak once said. Everything is for the Daleys, and to them, everybody else is a Polock. Sorry about the rant. I go along with those here who pledge NEVER, EVER vote for a democrat again. Fuckers.

    1. Anonymous9/20/2019

      Your sentiments reflect my very thoughts.

    2. Anonymous9/20/2019

      Sounds like another city worker who doesn't understand the real problem.

  2. Anonymous9/17/2019

    Should be a good game. The guy above would watch if it wasn’t a bunch of DemoRATS

  3. Anonymous9/20/2019

    Marist by 13.

    Let’s talk about it.
