Sunday, September 15, 2019

Bring Back the Communion Rails! - Fr. Mark Goring, CC


  1. What an on fire priest. There is still and always will be hope. Unite the clans.

  2. Anonymous9/15/2019

    If you bring back the communion rails could you also:
    1) Have the priests use the last name only forget the first name stuff.
    2) Get rid of the piano music in church. Why is it that you never see piano music at Catholic Churches in Europe?
    3) Could they also make the mass without the theatrical production make it more a mass.

    1. Anonymous9/16/2019

      I love those three points! Also they have stretched out the mass with all their is all about them and the singers....and extraordinairy ministers up on the altar....that takes an extra 5 minutes...used to be mass was about 45 minutes on average...then it stretched to 55 it seems you cannot get out of there in under an hour. Boring liberal priests

    2. Anonymous9/16/2019

      Priests now are not voting in primaries around here because people were checking out their voting ballots...surprise they mostly take Democrat ballots for primaries.
