Saturday, August 17, 2019

Peter Fonda, somebody that would hurt a child

kinda looked like a creep

Someone posted this last night and I want to give it the credit it deserves.

Off topic but still bothersome: Peter Fonda, star and writer of Easy Rider has died. Here is a statement from his family, "And, while we mourn the loss of this sweet and gracious man, we also wish for all to celebrate his indomitable spirit and love of life. In honor of Peter, please raise a glass to freedom.”

This "sweet and gracious" man recently called for President Trump's youngest son Baron to be molested by pedophiles. Karma's a bitch. Will Jane be stepping up to the plate anytime soon?


  1. Large Tom8/17/2019

    one fonda down and one to go.

  2. Anonymous8/17/2019

    One commie at a time...….

  3. Anonymous8/18/2019

    Get much rain here man?

  4. Anonymous8/18/2019

    Hollywood is rife with entitled scumbags and pedophiles.

  5. Anonymous8/18/2019

    These movie people are from a completely different world and mindset than the rest of us working stiffs.
