Thursday, August 8, 2019

About to get sprung?

did he recently give them what they wanted?

(AP) - President Donald Trump says he's "very strongly" considering commuting the sentence of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who is serving a 14-year prison term on multiple federal corruption convictions.
Trump suggested more than a year ago that he was considering a commutation for Blagojevich, who then filed paperwork requesting a commutation.


  1. Anonymous8/08/2019

    All of the higher ups in Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies should get theirs after the summaries of their activities are revealed.

  2. Anonymous8/08/2019

    Spring him already. Blago has done his time. I'm not sure why his sentence was so long for basically blowing smoke. We know there are far bigger fish to fry.

    1. Anonymous8/08/2019

      he pissed Daley off for trying to sell Obamas senate seat without permission.

  3. Anonymous8/08/2019

    Why not? It's laughable a guy sitting in prison for 14 years for doing what the Cook County Democratic Committeeman have been doing at slatemakings sessions for over a century. Meanwhile the Cook County Circuit Courts, in step with the Cook County Board President and our own Sheriff, have been I-bonding and electronic monitoring offenders representing far more danger to the citizens of our city than Blagojevich.

  4. Anonymous8/08/2019

    So on page 5 of today's tribune there's a photo of the governor and lt. governor at the state fair, admiring the sculpture of the cow made out of butter. Had to look twice to see which cow was Pritzker.

  5. Anonymous8/09/2019

    Given the upcoming December deadline on campaign financing, Blago had to hustle for money. The other part, about selling Obama's senate seat has me wondering what the difference between this action and those of the Cook County Democratic Committeman at their slatemaking sessions.
