Tuesday, June 11, 2019

This is more extremist BS

Top Execs of 180 Flash in the Pan Companies: Abortion Necessary to Be Successful in Business
The top executives of more than 180 companies have signed a letter that says abortion is essential in order for people to be successful in their businesses.

“When everyone is empowered to succeed, our companies, our communities and our economy are better for it,” the executives say in the letter posted on a newly launched website titled “Don’t Ban Equality.”

“Restricting access to comprehensive reproductive care, including abortion, threatens the health, independence and economic stability of our employees and customers,” they said, adding:


  1. Anonymous6/11/2019

    If your morals allow you to kill the most innocent and defenseless among us, What exactly does your morals stop you from doing?

  2. Anonymous9/01/2019

    So true
