Thursday, June 20, 2019

This crap is getting old......I hope they put the bad ones in jail

FBI agents raid ward office of Ald. Carrie Austin

The search marks the latest step in ongoing, widespread federal investigations of Chicago aldermen.

Federal agents on Wednesday afternoon remove boxes of material from the Far South Side office of Ald. Carrie Austin. 
Ashlee Rezin/Sun-Times

Ald. Carrie Austin (34th) was praising the Lord at a school event Wednesday morning, saying “today is a day truly that God has made because he made us the star of the show,” when federal agents a few miles away were thrusting her center stage into Chicago’s hottest criminal investigation.
While Austin was talking about a school mentoring program, alongside Mayor Lori Lightfoot at Percy Julian High School, FBI agents were raiding her ward office as part of the ongoing political corruption investigations of Chicago aldermen.


  1. Anonymous6/20/2019

    Getoff Matt O'shea's nuts already.

    1. Anonymous6/20/2019

      I think that was a compliment to O'Shea.

  2. Anonymous6/20/2019

    Ok,what about ALL the rest of the alder creatures???

  3. Anonymous6/23/2019

    That's a fine looking home she bought on Laflin. Gotta pretty sweet deal on it as well. I wish I had that kinda luck.

  4. Anonymous6/25/2019

    Carrie is a good alderman, who runs a safe and clean ward.
