Saturday, June 8, 2019

Global Warming

Never have so few, fooled so many, for so long. Ever." -- Ninad D. Steth


  1. Anonymous6/08/2019

    Thanks for finally writing about >"Global Warming" <Liked it!

  2. Anonymous6/08/2019

    Fatass al gore sure likes the theory.

  3. Anonymous6/08/2019

    Thanos 2020 Earth is overpopulated!

  4. Anonymous6/09/2019

    Blog editor doesn’t like this article!

  5. Anonymous6/09/2019

    I took a Geography class in college in 1986. The radical Professor (of course) was woke on the environment b4 his time. Speaking of time, this nutcase threw out non stop ridiculous "facts" regarding our planet. One I still remember "In 20 years 70% of all arable land will be gone". Hmm that would have been 2006. We are in 2019 and this fact is false. Tons of alarmist Chicken Little sky is falling "warnings" were spewed out as "facts". I do not think even one of his kooky predictions ever came even close to being true. The Democrats are now a Doomsday Cult of conspiracy ideology. Read goofball Algore book and see how wrong he has been too. It is a fear cult designed to leave reason out of the discussion because we dont even have time to think about it - "we must act NOW".

  6. Anonymous6/11/2019

    Global warming/climate change is even better than the War on Terror. It can never be defined, it has no beginning or end, it is in all places at all times. It never stops. Truly Orwellian.

  7. Anonymous6/11/2019

    Global warming is a leftist hoax.
