Sunday, June 23, 2019

Draw your own conclusions


  1. Anonymous6/23/2019

    My take on the Cupich video posted above is this. I attended Catholic grammar and high schools. We were taught from the Baltimore Catechism. My family and I have participated in the sacrements and attend mass frequently. Beyond the formal Catholic schooling, I was raised in a Catholic family and subscribe to the tenets of Catholicism that myself and thousands of other Chicago Catholics subscribe to. Now, because of some abstract preferences of Pope Francis and in Chicago, Blaise Cupich, we are witness to the "cherry picking" of our faith. Our church leadership seems to advocate that we turn the other way in our attitudes towards homosexuality and abortion. Is there anything left in our faith that serves as a foundation for stability, morals, ethics or just a plain sense of right and wrong? Or have the monetary aspects of church hierarchy yielding to the fears of diminishing participation in our faith and its structure.
    Do we then have the right to dictate to Catholicism what behaviors we consider sinful but can act on because there's no consequence to making willful choices to go against church teaching? This entire Cupich business of inclusion of those special interest groups tears down the structure of our religion and I don't go for it for one minute.
    Based on the premise presented by Cupich as he echos the Pope, there are no sins. Anything goes. Ten commandments? Forget about it. Just yesterday, an article appeared in which Madonna said she found Jesus, crucified on the cross, half She also added that he'd approve of abortion.
    We've reached a tipping points here folks. And I refuse to discard everything I've been taught in order for some leftist leaning sodomite can continue to abuse, or massage or conduct "man to man" body work and think he's right for doing so. Maybe most of us old timers are dying off and won't be around for the next rendition of what Catholicism is. But I'm confident that it ISN'T what the current leadership claims it is.

    1. Anonymous6/24/2019

      Well said. I'm sure most Catholics will agree.

    2. Anonymous6/24/2019

      Agreed. Now, how do we get rid of that sodomite cupich?

  2. Anonymous6/24/2019

    We must obey Francis, Cupich, Phleger and Madonna (Jesus' mom), who are morally right and make Catholics proud.

  3. Cupich Fan6/25/2019

    The video reaffirms the great job Cardinal Cupich is doing.

  4. Anonymous6/25/2019

    Cardinal Cupich is a good Catholic leading the Chicago flock faithfully and morally.
